[color=A9A9A9][center][B][H3]V E N T U S[/H3][/B][/center][hr][/COLOR] It didn't take much in the way of effort for him to dodge the attack. Once he had, he proceeded to hover above the burning street by several meters, his coat billowing behind him as the winds began to pick up speed and intensify. His arms were outstretched in a grand gesture. Geoff was certain that the universe did not understand that it was just after noon and he had to teach a class at one pm. This would not work with his schedule. He had to get back to City A, pick up lunch and prepare to teach for an hour. But, this monster decided to up the ante… [i][b]No more holding back…[/b][/i] Ventus wasn't far from the monster. It's transformation into a significantly larger and more ugly crab didn't phase Ventus. He focused the air around it and condensed it. [i][b]It's time to finish this… I need to get back to my day..![/b][/i] He could feel the heat being emitted from the area around the crab as it began to glow and pressure waves began to surge through the air and along the ground for, about, a block all around the monster. Bits of rubble and garbage were being blown away. The flames from the monster's initial attack were long gone. “You think giving me a larger target would be beneficial to you?” His voice was angry. But more like a teacher to a disappointing student. “Allow me to bring you back down to Earth.” The pressure on the monster increased tenfold and the ground beneath it began to crack and shake under the strain. A nearby trashcan began to melt.