[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmQ0NDA1Zi5XbTlsSUVac1pYUmphR1Z5LjAA/thyme.medium.png[/img] [img]http://i63.tinypic.com/2efjgaf.png[/img][/center][hr][center]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / β„‚π•£π•šπ•žπ•–π•Ÿ ℂ𝕦𝕝𝕑𝕒𝕖 πŸ™ / / ℕ𝕠𝕣π•₯π•™π•–π•£π•Ÿ 𝕆𝕦π•₯π•€π•œπ•šπ•£π•₯𝕀 / / πŸšπŸ™πŸšπŸ™[/center][hr] As they arrived at the battlefield, it took a second for her to take in what was going on. The display from the other Subnaturals had been impressive, but that didn't change the fact that her group had their own targets to take on. When she looked at their targets, Zoe did a double take. [color=palevioletred]What the fuck?[/color] After a second look confirmed that they were being attacked by aggressive Italian food, she decided not to think too hard about it. Seemed like Aaron had decided to take charge from the way he was ordering them around. While she wasn't the biggest fan of being told what to do, someone had to do it, and there wasn't enough time for everyone to sit around arguing over the role. Part of her was thankful someone had stepped up, so she just nodded as he sorted them into smaller teams, making sure to note who she was with. Shouting girl, and Chris, who was currently writhing around on the floor. Not a sight that filled her with confidence, but she just rolled her eyes. While there hadn't really been any proof of his leadership skills, Aaron's strategy made sense to her from the powers she'd heard. From the sounds of it, the three in her group were probably the most straight-up offensive types, at least while they weren't sure if the enemy could cast anything, so putting them on plate duty was fair enough. Although she couldn't help but think that the guy was talking a lot. Still hadn't stopped, but her attention went elsewhere as he continued. Saying that, she could probably only injure the meatball things right now as long as they were running around. Her abilities were too slow to be that useful unless she focused them, which worked fine when she knew where the vital organs were, but where the hell did meatballs keep their important bits? Did these things even have brains? Well, even if they did she didn't have a clue where to find them, so not exactly the ideal enemy. Even if they'd had a clear head or something, it'd be easier to target than this. Nothing she could do about that, though, so she turned to her team-mate who wasn't currently flailing around on the floor. She smirked, considering AngΓ©lique's offered fist for a moment before nodding and meeting it with her own. [color=palevioletred]"You got it. Name's Zoe, though. 'Breaks-stuff-down' girl's not got much of a ring to it."[/color] After Angel offered some encouragement to the rest of the groups, Zoe just gave them a joking salute before turning to look at Chris's location. Hey, maybe it'd put them at ease a bit if not everyone was looking so worried. Knowing somebody else was confident normally helped other people feel the same or something like that, right? She was about to head off to her position when Aaron's speech was cut off with a thump and a snap. And then everything went to hell. [hr] Aaron's speech had been cut off just as he seemed to be finishing up, as one of the creatures knocked him down and basically ran him over, along with Alexis who was out for the count... Which meant there was no-one in that group who could actually fight these things unless they started using magic. And if the things didn't? Two average humans, a blacked-out redhead and a cripple. [color=palevioletred]Sounds like the start of a bad joke.[/color] Then again, the plan said she was meant to stick with the singer girl, but as she glanced over and saw the two meatballs flailing around on their backs, it seemed to her like Angel was handling herself just fine even if she hadn't finished them off. Chris definitely wasn't in a state to fight yet, though. Seemed like whatever Zoe did, someone was getting screwed over. While she would have spent longer thinking it through, her decision was made for her when one of the noodles wrapped around Aaron's torso. She wasn't about to sit by and let anyone get killed, even if he was only in this position 'cause he liked the sound of his own voice too much. Letting someone on her side get injured when she had a chance to protect them wasn't really her thing. [color=palevioletred]Who needs plans anyway?[/color] She sprinted towards the creature that had a hold of Aaron, getting as firm a grip on it as she could and activating her powers. There wasn't time to try and destroy the whole thing, but she focused her ability into a small area just above where she'd grabbed, wisps of dust rising from it as black, vein-like lines started to appear on her arms. As she did, she felt a rush of adrenaline - her Stigma, of course, but that didn't change how exhilarating it was. For a few seconds everything else faded away, only the sudden realisation of what was happening bringing her to her senses. Hissing through her teeth, she shook her head to try and clear her thoughts and then yelled to the two people still standing nearby. [color=palevioletred]"Savannah, Allison, one of you go back up Angel! Hold these things off 'til Chris gets his shit together, alright?"[/color] With that out of the way, she focused her attention on the creature again. Her ability wouldn't cut through it right away, but it wouldn't take long to weaken the thing's structure enough that she could rip off the part with a hold on Aaron. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something that looked a bit like glitter... She doubted it was anything good, but wasn't about to let go, instead just shifting her position slightly to shield her eyes. Hopefully it wouldn't do too much damage - her clothes could probably stop some of it from hitting her anyway.