[centre][b][h1][color=orchid]Madison[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson highschool [b]Date and time:[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0915[/centre] [hr][hr] Madison gave a small smile, caught out, she hadn't truly expected to be able to sneak in unawares, Ms Flores was just simply too good. A little relieved that she wasn't written up for it-and that was perhaps why Ms Flores was her favorite teacher, Madison gave a nod, not exactly promising that she wouldn't be late, but she would try. It was just that...she always intended to be on time. It just...rarely happened. Shifting slightly, Madison grimaced at pains in her body. The last few days had been highly strange. She still didn't know what had happened last night... Frowning, as she breathed, she grimaced at what seemed to be several different smells at once. Oh, god, had someone not bothered to bath this morning, or the weekend for that matter? It turned her stomach, and Madison glanced towards the doors, to see if she could escape, but that didn't seem to be an option. There was a coppery scent, iron like...blood? Oh, christ. Did she have to know a girl was starting her cycle? And there was something else...She couldn't make it out. The smells seemed strange... A sickly, sweet smell. An illness? How couuld she smell an illness? Her gaze landed on Ms Flores, and her heart nearly broke. Was there something wrong with her? Madison nearly went over to the teacher, nearly engulfed her in a hug, to hug her tightly and try to make things okay, even for a moment. She tore her eyes away from the teacher, her gaze landing first on Giddeon, who was looking at her. Why? Even more strange was the smile and wave. Madison returned both, but was confused as heck. Her gaze then landed on Clifford. Who was staring at her as well. Thrown off by this, [i]two boys staring at her?[/i], Madison shifted nervously, swallowing. She glanced away, uncertainity flowing over her. Had she been so....involved in that group, that she hadn't seen possible friends? Or...had something changed, that peaked their interest? Without meaning to, without conscious thought, Madison reached up to her left shoulder with her right hand, rubbing it for a moment. It didn't hurt, but she could still remember the teeth of the wild animal-lord, it had to be a wild animal didn't it, no human could do that...-sinking into her skin. There had been blood, she knew there had been. And there had been a bite there. [i]She knew it[/i], but now there was just that faded mark. It had healed. In [i]days[/i]. And then last night...No. She wouldn't think about that. it had just been a nightmare, right? Shaking her head, Madison risked a glance back up. He was still [i]staring[/i] at her. Had she suddenly grown horns, or something? Why was Clifford staring at her life that? And jeez, the smell of a body that hadn't had deodrant applied was now filling her senses. She felt a tightening in her chest, and she found it hard to breath. Her breaths came in short pants, and she clutched at her chest, her eyes darting about the room. They landed on Ms Flores again, and then suddenly it was too much. [color=orchid]"I-I'm sorry....I..."[/color] It was suddenly too hard to speak, and Madison turned on her heel, fleeing the gym, she ran around Jake, her feet pounding, echoing around the building, as she slammed the doors open, and ran out, the doors slamming shut behind her. The motion of running soothed her slightly, and her breathing evened out, but she still felt like a ticking time bomb, like something would happen, and that she wouldn't like it. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and damn her, she wanted to go back and [i]bite[/i] someone. Sickened, she fell to the ground, the contents of her stomach coming out in a rush, and she stayed there on her hands and knees a moment, but nothing else came out. Grimacing, disguisted, she was sane enough to go to the bathroom, clean up, before she now calmly, started out the school. she couldn't stay there, not when she felt like she was being torn apart. Hugging herself, Madison snuck out the school, sniffling around sudden tears. [hr][hr] [centre][@YoshiSkittlez][@BlackPanther][@Vicier][/centre] [hr][hr]