[hr] [hr] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/48b72153f1710f6d0a3c468d33367ef1/tumblr_o0n5ghHD4e1uevrijo3_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Deepskyblue]Corann Creed - Present Day - Carson City High School[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=Deepskyblue] Tapping his fingers against his bicep where his hand lay in his arms crossed position, Corann glanced down at his six year old Rottweiler, Boris, who sat patiently at his feet. His attention was straight-forward, solid on a small flock of birds who remained in the parking lot and pecking at what bits of breakfast were dropped as the students hastily made their way into the school that morning. He had been watching her for a while now… Madison Burke - the first werewolf-vampire hybrid he had come across in a very, very long time. Just why he had been sent to her in the first place was a bit beyond him. Usually, that combination of blood rendered an individual near indestructible and not needing of any guarding. But the longer he observed her from afar, the more he began to realize… She was just a kid. She had no one to tell her about what was happening to her body, no one to help guide her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. He had arrived only just a few days after the initial attack having come out of his Druid Sleep a little later than he had planned, but it was more clear to him now than ever that he had been sent to watch over the right girl. Especially after witnessing the events of the night prior. The girl had a lot of potential, but there was a lot of work to be done as well. Not to mention, the very moment he crossed the city line into Carson City, he knew immediately that the city was destined for destruction, and very quickly. Well… it was his job to see that destiny changed. A vision had tipped him off earlier that morning. Madison, sick to her stomach, becoming overwhelmed in a physical education class and fleeing the school in a twisted knot of anxiety and terror. He had to be there for her. He had to tell her what she was, and how he could help. As if on cue, the front doors of the school burst open and the girl in question came flying out. To where, Corann wasn’t certain, but he was there to change it. He was there to change a lot. “If you run any faster… you’ll give yourself away.” he called out to her, keeping his relaxed pose of leaning against the brick wall of the school. Boris no longer had his attention on the birds, and instead on Madison, cocking his large head cutely to the side as the animal tried to discern just what about the girl in front of them was all about. In hindsight, Corann hadn’t had Boris for very long. Then again… the canine did share a twenty-five year nap with him. After losing the second reincarnation of his late wife, only to see her pass once again, the half guardian-half druid did all that he could to refrain from going into a sleep as he could already feel his powers starting to lessen. So, naturally, he got himself a dog. Boris was just a pup back then, and the first six years had been tolerable. However after a rather nasty series of unfortunate events, involving a pack of less-than-friendly werewolves, Corann had no choice but to go into a sleep… and he took Boris with him. Quite frankly, Corann didn’t even know if it would work until he opened his eyes once more and could hear the jingling of his collar as the canine rose and stretched himself out, nub of a tail wagging like nothing weird had just happened. Then again… Boris had seen more than a regular dog’s fair share of weird in his six (conscious) years. “When did it bite ya, kid?” Corann waited, seeing just how much weight his words would hold on the obviously terrified girl. He realized he was a stranger. He realized he was an older stranger hanging outside of a high school yard at nine o’clock in the morning with a large attack dog at his heel. Hopefully, he could just set the hook with his quick words, and reel her in. [/color]