When Amara was informed that there was a stowaway aboard the Nyx who needed medical attention, she hadn't really expected it to be Mackenzie. Although, somehow, Kenzie's story about getting locked in the closet and getting hit in the head seemed perfectly plausible...For Kenzie that is. If it had been anyone else, Amara probably wouldn't have believed them but, knowing Kenzie as well as she did, she knew that things like this seemed all too common. Kenzie had a habit of getting wrapped up in her work and not noticing the world around her. Amara didn't even question her. Although there would no doubt be questions from others. Instead, as Amara entered the medbay, she simply gave Kenzie a weary look like a mother whose child had inevitably gotten into trouble again. She coupled it with the slightest hint of a smile though, just to let her friend know that she wasn't too upset. As Amara treated the wound on Kenzie's forehead, Kenzie kept trying to explain the situation but Amara only said “Mmmhmm.” as she watched the tiny device she held to Kenzie's forehead knit the skin back together. She reminded herself of her own mother for a moment. The whole [i]“I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed”[/i] attitude was something Amanda Locke had mastered. Amara couldn't help but think of the time she had wandered into a construction zone when she was six and somehow managed to set both her feet on fire. It was an incredibly stupid thing to do, looking back on it now, but she had been so curious at the time that she wasn't paying attention. When she was rushed to the hospital for treatment, her mother had given her the same look she now gave Kenzie. Amara wasn't really mad [i]or[/i] disappointed. It was just fun to make her friend slightly uncomfortable. This was probably why Amara didn't have many friends. Of course the thing that was probably making Kenzie more uncomfortable at that exact moment in time was [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0a/af/7e/0aaf7e3920a0fb65401c4387cebf4f58.jpg]Ruby[/url]. The R-B series med droid stood just off to the side of the pair, watching them through her single photoreceptor. Her fingers were steepled in front of her abdomen an a pose which Amara could only assume her programmer had designed to make her look calm. It only made her look like she was plotting something like one of those old-timey villains. Ruby made everyone uncomfortable, Amara included, but she was the best medical droid model available. If Amara was to have any droid here helping her out, she was glad it was Ruby....Most of the time anyway. “Good as new.” said Amara as she finished mending Kenzie's injury and began packing away her equipment. “Great.” replied Kenzie as she enthusiastically jumped off of the bed but immediately shot Ruby a wary glance as the droid tilted its head at her. She did her best to ignore the droid and turned to Amara as she clapped her hands together and said “Lets go.” Amara simply stared at her and said “Go where? I'm going to the hanger to get ready for the mission. I don't know where [i]you're[/i] going.” Kenzie gave Amara a confused and slightly annoyed look then said “But if I'm going to be here, I may as well make myself useful.” Amara simply stared at her. “You're taking my droids, so I'm coming to make sure you don't break them.” Amara huffed for dramatic effect more than anything before raising an eyebrow at Kenzie's puppy dog expression. “Fine.” she relented, not really wanting to get into an argument. “But you have to sort out all the official stuff. I'm not getting into trouble for dragging a civilian along when you're not supposed to be there...And try not to get in the way.” “I swear you won't even know I'm there.” replied Kenzie with a pleased smile that made Amara roll her eyes. She waved Kenzie past her and began following her through the door, saying “Ruby, don't murder anyone while I'm gone.” “That would be contrary to my progra--” “Shut up.” Amara said wearily, not even bothering to turn around to address the droid. She half-heartedly waved over her shoulder as the medbay door closed behind her. [hr] A short while later, once Kenzie had gone off to figure out how to join the away team and possibly be yelled at by more officers, Amara found herself in the hangar bay, going over some [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ff/0d/8d/ff0d8d6b82656faacad8495664230a40.jpg]medical supplies[/url] she had laid out on a table by the bulkhead. Everything seemed to be working fine except for the small [url=http://orig02.deviantart.net/235c/f/2016/341/1/7/medical_droid_by_theanarchangel-daqu58e.png]med droid[/url] she had chosen to bring along. There was something buggy about the little football shaped med droid and as it hovered at eye level in front of her, she pressed several things on the datapad she held in an attempt to figure out the problem. “I don't...” she began with a furrowed brow before stopping and pressing something else. The droid made a series of whistling sounds in his own little robot language that Amara only partly understood. Her confusion only grew and she pressed several more keys until the droid suddenly beeped and shot out a thin wire with a pad on the end which slapped onto Amara's neck. The sudden impact stung more than it actually hurt and she recoiled a step as she exclaimed “Son of a--” before biting her lip to stop herself cursing. The droids display clearly showed her heart rate rising and as it made a low whistle it slowly began to descend towards the table as though recoiling from an angry monster. Gaining control of her emotions but still glaring at the droid, Amara yanked the pad from her neck and tossed it aside. “You're lucky I don't have a hammer to hand.” she informed the bucket of bolts as it folded in on itself to resemble a football even more. “Yeah, you hide in there.” she whispered to it before realising how crazy she probably looked to everyone around. She was now glad Kenzie was coming along. Maybe she could fix the little bugger. She decided then to just pack up her things and head over to the others. As she picked up her helmet and turned around, she caught sight of Captain Eccleson giving her a look not unlike the way Marlowe looked at her. [i]“Oh good. Another one.”[/i] she thought to herself as she watched Eccleson and Chief TreVayne head into the beast and slowly followed after them. [i]”This should be fun.”[/i]