Having heard many the story and read several books mentioning the undead, Andrik was looking forward to testing his metal vs the much feared horrors. A walking rotting corpse, he felt, did not pose as much threat has the various adventurers, tomes and minstrels had made out, at least to one armored and trained like him and his peoples warriors. Yet it never did to underestimate a foe and as such his entry in the tablet this morning made sure to direct his kinsmen to the various information on the undead lest it be his final one. Speaking of adventurers they were always a an interesting lot, full of tall tales and often unusual creatures in their own right, a useful source of information even if their stories were always filled with exaggerations of their own heroics. The vaulter was currently carefully making his way through the forest, making sure not to make any unnecessary noise and keeping an eye out for danger. It would not do to be ambushed before reaching the meeting point. Now though, if there was any doubt that he was going the right way it was quickly dispelled by the loud chatter going on in a clearing before him. After Identifying the royal advisor Irthorne he strolled out of the forest eager to meet the interesting bunch of adventurers already assembled. “[color=cd7f32]Greetings, I am Andrik Nordin the Vaulter.[/color]” This loud introduction was probably the first indication those assembled had of the towering man clad in armor emerging from the woods was in the area. He carried a large metal round shield in his left hand and an odd vertically bowed crank operated crossbow hanging by a strap from his right shoulder. He wore a belt from which bolts for the crossbow along with a small runic flask, an icepick and a small iron bar wrapped in leather where hung. On his neck small purple scales can be seen growing, and around it are a jade medallion and a necklace of coral. His face is mostly hidden by a helmet and by a well kept beard. The backpack he was wearing was carefully sealed against the elements and thieves alike. He takes a moment to examine those who have already arrived, particularly interested in the various mechanical contraptions of the gnome, the avian individual whose species he has not encountered before and slightly perturbed by the severed head on the floor. “[color=cd7f32]It is good to meet you all, I hope this expedition will be one worthy of retelling[/color]”