[@Vicier][@YoshiSkittlez][@Caits] [h2]Clifford[/h2] [hr] Clifford raised a brow at who Giddeon decided to call. Then there was cheering and encouragement. Clifford's eyes almost rolled out of his head. [i]Teachers pet[/i] He saw disappointment form his classmates and his eyes nearly left his skull with another eye roll. He glanced at the vampire and then back at his classmates. His eyes locked back on Madison and his brow raised. She seemed to be barely holding it together. She stuttered and then ran. His gaze followed her. He was tempted to physically follow her....but decided against it. He would follow her later. Figure out what happened. Of course now that meant waiting on Giddeon to pick his [i]actual[/i] choice and he'd be left with the rest of the normal humans. Ugh.