[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/moAArlo.png[/img][/center] Sangue's attention towards the fruit and Gren made her miss out on the details of what had happened to the team that recently arrived, but she presumed that they were not in a pleasant mood to begin with. From the unfortunately injured man to the teammates who questioned leadership and the likes, something bad enough to express such serious thoughts let the snake know that they lost something- no, someone valuable to them. The thought of losing someone in her own team made her freeze deathly still before she steadily brought herself to relax. As the headmaster turned his attention to a "Mr. Solidor," Sangue stared at the boy for a few moments. "Mr. Solidor," a dark-haired man with a very clean-looking fashion sense compared to herself. His bright white clothes caught her eyes easily as she stared at them for a while. She would remember him as "Mr. Solidor" if she met him again. She'd definitely try to. It sounded like something she would not mess up in... but then again, she had gotten the name "Luke" wrong before. The woman knew she had to be careful. A stream of fire caught Sangue's attention as she watched Gren heat up his weapon before... setting up a grill. Her eyes became fixated on the food he brought out. Time... ticked. The mushrooms, and the meat... The sausages, and the meat... Although Sangue's favorite food was not related to meat that much, she felt her stomach rumble like an earthquake at the enticing sight of food. She stared at the grill as if it were some sort of soda dispenser constantly spilling out sodas on its own. If there was one bad side to her weapons that had become almost a part of her fighting style, it was that she could not use them as cooking utensils as well as Gren's tools. Maybe one day, finding a way to make her sword heat up would let her cook food like him. The comical thought of Sangue raising her sword to the skies as a bunch of fire burst out of it for no reason filled her with hope to see something like that in the future. In the meantime, the food itself had her full attention. It didn't help that she hadn't eaten anything aside from the fruits Gren had given her. [sub][@Lucius Cypher][/sub] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1B5ekYa.png[/img][/center] Ignoring the frightened stares he received from the people around him, Apophis walked down the streets of Vale as a particular bar caught his attention. Without an ounce of respect to his "friend's" workplace, the man kicked the door open, startling everyone in the bar. And by everyone, he meant the bartender and some random fuckboy who always visited the goddamn bar in the morning and afternoon. [color=ed1c24]"MARK!"[/color] Apophis roared as he walked over to the counter, glaring into the face of a smiling bartender. His sharp teeth grinding against each other, the ex-manhunter raised a fist... ...before sitting down and slamming the counter, shaking the entire thing. "...I guess this is my cue to leave?" The customer next to Apophis asked as if he had already seen the same thing happen before. [color=6ecff6]"Ye."[/color] Paying as quickly as possible, the customer fled silently, leaving only Mark and Apophis facing each other- the same way they always did. The blond stood behind the counter, and the Worst Adoptive Guardian of the Century sat while snatching a bottle given to him. [color=ed1c24]"I need your help with something,"[/color] Apophis grumbled. [color=ed1c24]"And if it doesn't work out, I'm going to kill you by the time we're done."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Well, uh..."[/color] Looking around, Mark raised an eyebrow as he asked, [color=6ecff6]"How on Remnant can I, a regular bartender, help [u]you[/u], anyway?"[/color] Apophis knew just what to say to make an idiot like Mark understand him. [color=ed1c24]"Give me some fucking clothes."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Don't give me that dumbass disappointed look."[/color]