Kitala absentmindedly chewed on the donut in her mouth as she once again took in the festival's environment. She could hear laughter coming from just about everywhere; then again, she'd always had unusually good hearing. Part of the whole Sound Magic deal, maybe? Kitala's eyes focused in on a streak of red in the crowd...was that Xareth? A small grin played on her features as she realized he was probably getting hounded by kids. He'd always been popular, though she realized that she didn't know him that well. Or at all. [color=ed1c24]"Kitala come over here, let me talk to you for a little bit."[/color] Oh. Well...crap. He wanted to talk to her, and she had a face full of donut. Hastily swallowing the last of her food, Kitala quietly wandered over to him, trying to think of something to say. A guildmate once told her that she was intimidating; he said it was because of how often she got into fights. It was a fair point, but still. Kitala's soft grin turned into a somewhat nervous smile, seeing as people usually didn't talk to her much. But Xareth seemed nice enough, right? [color=FF2400]"Uh, hey Xareth...what's up?"[/color] [@pkken]