She wouldn’t get the chance to enquire about what had happened with the droids, because at that point Neta breezed back out of the compound and bellowed for all of the Force users to join her in order to help the newly arriving shuttle get down to the ground easily. It was a lot trickier than their own descent had been, given that they were all standing OUTSIDE of the shuttle planetside, and had to collectively extend a barrier upwards into the air in order to shield the incoming craft from being battered to bits on the side of the crystalline mountains. Due to the difficult parameters set out before them, they could only push the barrier up about a hundred feet or so, any more The process went a lot more smoothly than Aria had been expecting, and after the sphere had dissolved out of existence they were faced with a somewhat bedraggled-looking crew of soldiers who eyed the small gathering before them warily while Neta made introductions and explained what they had managed to achieve so far. It wasn’t until the blonde had started to speak and the thickness of her Imperial accent became clear that Aria realised the Havoc squad Bek had talked about was well...THE Havoc squad. The squad trooped past them on Neta’s tail as the former soldier ushered them towards the compound to give them the not-so-grand tour of the place. The effort of bringing Havoc’s shuttle down to safety in their makeshift landing area may have tired the younger Force users out, but they wouldn’t get the chance to rest and recuperate just yet as they could hear the squeal of another hyperdrive breaking through the atmosphere. “OH YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!” “Who even IS that?” a few groans of complaint came from the tired youngsters. Aria didn’t blame them, she felt like joining in with their protests if it hadn’t been for the disapproving scowl her father shot in her direction that meant she kept her lips tightly sealed. “Stop complaining and help me with the barrier!” Roan snorted, throwing the beginnings of the bubble up again with a simple flick of his wrist. Something about the look in his eyes gave away that he knew who the shuttle belonged to, as well. If it were at all possible, this shuttle was actually EASIER to maneuver than the previous one. In fact, it almost seemed as if they were getting help, from a person inside the shuttle! Whoever they were, they seemed to possess enough strength with the Force that it gave them the ability to add their own influence to the air currents in order to aid the group as they guided the ship to the ground. The person who stepped off the shuttle as the engines cut off was so sallow in complexion that they could only have been one of the Sith survivors, the Dathomirian’s stride was somewhat haughty as she approached them, the timbre of her voice equally abrasive as her walk as she barked out. “Noctis! You good for nothing Hutt slime! I almost walked into a death trap on Coruscant, you couldn’t have warned me sooner?! I should string you up by your toes for that!” Smirking, Roan stepped forward to meet her and responded. “The feeling’s mutual, Lash. Cut the crap, we’re the only Council members left and we don’t have time for it.” Cheriss growled, her gaze passing over the young flock gathered behind him before she snorted at noting Yerbol, Janika and Manso among them. “You brought JEDI?” “Allies of circumstance only, I assure you. I would have killed them if I could. They’re more able than they look, trust me.” She stepped forward so that she was nearly nose-to-nose with her fellow Sith Lord and hissed. “I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could THROW you!” as if to enforce the point, at that moment Roan was thrust backwards a few paces, thankfully able to catch his balance again with little more than a startled grunt as Cheriss asserted: “And need I remind you from last time that is far enough!” she was more than likely capable of throwing him even further than she had, if she'd been so inclined, but apparently a few inches was enough to enforce her point. Despite her protests however, the Dathomirian agreed to hear out their plans thus far and follow Neta and the squad back to the complex while they waited in case there were any more impending arrivals….