[@Solace] YAY! I'm glad you are coming back. I forget who your character was. Long crazy story short Nikki and Matt (siblings) are currently separated from the group. Both lost their spouses in the last battle and Nikki lost her baby in it too. Matt's little girl and the rest of the group are at a safe house for the night. Gasoline has all gone bad so no vehicles are running anymore. The group they are part of has a pregnant woman and a toddler with them. Ingrid is in charge of that group at the moment. Nikki and Matt will be joining up with them shortly I believe. I know it's slow because of the holidays but man I wish people would stop leaving the guild with no warning. Josephb is here but he is on a short break til the holidays are over because of work so Ethan (Ingrid's boyfriend) is just kinda following along til he gets back. King Tai and I have been holding the fort down. Since the other two left with no warning in the last week I hope you can help keep them alive on the road. I'll go with the idea that Nikki will recognize your guy from the beginning of the rp. Get me a cs sheet ok?