[centre][b][h1][color=orchid]Madison[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson highschool [b]Date and time:[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0915[/centre] [hr][hr] Madison flinched at the voice. She had thought to get away from the school clean, having no idea where she was going to end up, just knowing she had to get away. At his words however, Madison froze. Her mind flashed back of its own accord to the night, just over three weeks ago. She had thought she was going to have a fun night out with her friends-former friends now. Instead it had turned into what was probably the worst night of her life. There was a reason why the previous month she'd been absent from school so long... [i]Will-oh, god it couldn't be Will, could it?-leaned over her, great shaggy head larger then her own, bright yellow eyes glistening as he opened his maw, sharp wolf teeth glistening with siliver. He snapped at her shoulder, his claws digging into her chest, her stomach and legs, his weight almost crushing her. The piercing of her skin, muscle and bone as his jaws clamped together over her shoulder, the pain flooding a moment later, a scream tearing at her throat as she lashed out, kicking him, slamming her knees into his stomach, rolling away, Madison screamed again...[/i] NO. She wasn't going to remember [i]that[/i]. She shook as she turned around to face the man that had spoken, and seemed to find an inner strength she didn't know she had, her voice soft but almost defiant as she shot back, [color=orchid]"Which time?"[/color] Which of course triggered the memory once more. [i]She was dying. Madison knew that. Her body writhed in pain, spasming, as fire seemed to burn through her body, causing her unspeaking agony and distress. She didn't even have the energy to scream, her body boiling hot, and her shoulder, oh, god, her shoulder. She was beyond...beyond anything but pain. And then suddenly the pain intesified ten fold, something else bitting her, over the bite she already had, and then a warm, coppery, iron liquid filled her mouth, dribbing down her chin, and down her throat...[/i]. She shifted, shaking her head, and staring at the man. How did he know that she'd been bitten? What did he know? She hesitated, fearful all of a sudden. She didn't know this man...but he apparently knew her. She stepped back, intending to run away, watching the dog, wondering if she did run if it would attack her. Before it suddenly got too much, and her shoulders slumped, as she looked down, away, a child once more. [color=orchid]"Nearly four weeks ago..."[/color] She said softly, her voice shaking, shuddering with fear, uncertainity. It broke with unshed tears. She was barely out of childhood, and she didn't know what was going on. She licked her lips, and looked up, her eyes wide, fearful. [color=orchid]"What...Whats happening to me?"[/color] But then someone else appeared, and Madison nearly broke again, her gaze darting away, seeking an escape, she didn't think she'd get far. She stepped back, finding herself pressing up against the school sign, chest tightening once more in panic. By the time Layla turned to her, Madison's mind was a wreck of fear, panic and worry, overwhelming the the suggestion, the feeling. [color=orchid]"What is wrong with me?"[/color] She whispered. [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=c4df9b]Ignatius Autumndale[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [hr][hr] [centre][b]Location: Carson Bar and resturant[/b] [b]Time and date: March thirteen, 0900[/b][/centre] [hr][hr] Ignatius, his hair tied back in a hair net, stood over an oven. He was hot, sweaty, he hadn't with the full moon, but he couldn't be happier. Music played in the background, and his staff chatted as they worked, filling in breakfast orders from happy couples, working breakfasts, socailites, and just people who couldn't be bothered cooking themselves. There was nothing ignatius liked better then to cook. To create fine foods...ah, such a luxury he couldn't help but indulge. Such wonderful combinations...ignatius loved his food. He loved to serve it. And in the first few weeks of being n the city, Ignatius had sought a resturant to buy, his extensive supply of money more then a fortune after over a thousand years of living, he knew that if he was going to live in Carson City, he needed a resturant. Or two. Maybe three. Chuckling at himself, Ignatius plated an order, and handed it to the nearest waiter, turning to fill another order. Ah, Ignatius was happy. The original werewolf always liked having a little nich that was his own, and he made a mental note to hire a Witch, to place protective spells over the place, and give him warning if something happened. Which, given the atmosphere he had experienced in the last few weeks, was quite likely. Ignatius wasn't a fool. In one way or another, the Originals of all species were making their way to Carson City, as if pulled there by some force. By his recognition, the whole lot of them were just about there. He also hadn't missed the fact that there was a budding...underworld underneath the supernatural hierachy here. Maybe that imbalance was what attracted them here. He pondered that a moment, before shaking his head and filling the next order. He should approach some of the originals, but Ignatius had been more of a lone wolf for so long...still...if there was a war on the breach, he needed to speak with them. If only so he could see where they were at. Leaving the stove, Ignatius made sure everything was running smoothly, before he started out the resturant, thinking where to go from here. [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=fff200]Callie[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson City, Callie's shop [b]Time and Date[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0900[/centre] [hr][hr] Callie hadn't met many of the original creations of her ancestors, hadn't thought she ever would. Months ago, she'd just been a small time witch in a Coven that was quite powerful in its own right. Now...Now she was a great witch, with her own store, and a partner that would never leave her, contemplating an immortality potion. It wouldn't make her an Original witch, but it would let her continue life with Caius. She watched the Vampire for a moment, noting his glance to her charm bracelet. She smiled slightly, the whole thing had been quite a work, and it had taken her a while to upgrade. It was nice to know that it was successful, on its first test drive. For a brief moment, she enjoyed to satisfication that the Vampire recognised it for what it was. The slight possessive protectiveness of Caius only made her fell safer, and she took comfort from that.She wasn't offended by what the Vampire said, nor Claudia agreeing. She was quite use to Claudia's behaviour by now, and Vampires tended to be...eccentric at best. And the older they were, the stranger they got. [color=fff200]"None taken. I mean, I'm with you guys just about evey minute of the day"[/color] She said with a smile. The mere fact that Claudia wasn't at odds with the Vampire said alot, and went a long way to assertaining their character. She let the spells she'd been forming go, and shifted, more relaxed now. [color=fff200]"Uh, well. Glad thats sorted. Did you come in for anything specific, or was it their scents that brought you in?"[/color] She said, moving over to the registered again, she crouched, taking out a new charm, she replaced the detection charm on her bracelet, attuned to both caius and Claudia so it wouldn't react to them, she didn't yet activate it, as it would merely react to Scott again. [hr][hr] [centre][@BlackPanther][@Zhaliora][@Kyrisse][@YoshiSkittlez][@Vicier][/centre] [hr][hr]