Yerbol walked to Aria's side, standing next to her with his arms crossed over his chest as he fluidly synced up with their connective bond and said: [i]She seems just as powerful as your father is...tell me she isn't going to bring the whole building down on us. Cause she looks the type to get set off REALLY easily.[/i] He looked down at her with a knowing smile. "I do think it was a pretty good sign that we were able to work together like that." Janika and Manso warily crept alongside the older duo, the former saying quietly: "I don't like that woman." "Gives me the creeps." Manso added, Yerbol turning his attention to the younglings: "Keep thoughts like that to yourselves, alright? We're already walking on ice about a millimeter thick. Remarks like that could make whatever idea of an alliance we have in mind fall to pieces." "But-" "If you have objections, we can talk about them in private when two Sith Lords aren't close enough to impale you on their sabers." That seemed to do the trick, Janika and Manso looking at each other for a moment before they mutually shrugged. "What do we do now?" Manso asked, hands fidgeting. "There are still a couple of more people scheduled to arrive. Why don't you and Jani to talk to Commander Dorne? I'm sure they could use some help getting set up. In fact...Manso, why don't you ask one of them to help you with the droids? One of them has GOT to know how to get past the A.I. scripts you were having trouble with." "It would be nice to have someone more experienced to watch what I'm doing...with computers, though. You're know what I mean." Skittering up the steps, Manso entered into the Temple, Janika following his lead, leaving the two in the now dimly illuminated circle. "We need to take a look at those crystals when we have the chance." Yerbol walked to one of them and picked it up, turning it over in his hands. "Don't know if we'll have the time, but soon enough..." He yawned widely, shaking his head, the full brunt of their strenuous efforts coming to bear almost all at once. "Think I'm going to try out one of those cots Neta set up. She says bigger men than I have slept in them, so maybe I'll be able to get some rest after all." _________________ [i]The end of all things. The balancing of the universe created by imbalance. The perfect restoration. The harmonization of the galaxy. [/i] [b]Who-[/b] [i]Identity matters little, youngling. All will be balanced. You will contribute to that balance. Be honored. [/i] [b]Balance? Harmony? How?[/b] [i]The Force is strong with you and your companion. I could not foresee this. If only you had come into my care sooner.[/i] [b]Your care?! You're a genocidal maniac, a hate fueled-[/b] [i]You speak of matters you do not understand fully. Someday you will know. And you will pay the price for that knowledge.[/i] [b]I understand the outright destruction of two Orders! I understand that you want nothing but chaos! COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS AND SHOW YOURSELF![/b] . . . . . __________________________ [12 hours later] He sat up, right hand grasping his saber, teeth gritted, breath coming in heavy, angry gasps. Wild eyes scanned the room, noting the closed door, absorbing the silence. Shaking his head, he dropped his saber, head cradled in his hands as he brought his feet to the chilly floor. He sat there for a few minutes, eyes eventually cast forward, cold droplets of sweat tracing down his bare upper body. "He knows." Startling himself by the statement, he shook himself, rising to his feet with a wobble. __________________________ [Two hours earlier] "We just got a warning from Neta. Says there's going to massive atmospheric turbulence and to tell you that it can be navigated with some help from the Force." Kira groaned, looking out the viewport towards the incoming planet. "Alright big guy, how do we do this?" Voldon looked to Matt, the latter nodding. "Mutual meditation. Should help us focus our energies enough to form a shield around the shuttle." It was a difficult undertaking, but with some careful piloting by Ed and the combined powers of two Jedi masters and a very powerful Knight, the shuttle managed to find the beacons along with two other shuttles that had to be cautiously navigated around before setting down on level ground. As Kira and the Masters walked into the facility, Neta greeted them, gesturing around them: "Welcome to the beginnings of our little rebellion slash uprising. Masters Carnagie and Naylon along with Knight Naylon?" "Got that right." Kira quipped, her eyes darting to a figure in the upper right hand corner of the room, a lithe, menacing figure... "Voldon, that's-" "Darth Noctis." Voldon grumbled, his gaze wandering to the Sith Lord before returning to Neta. "He's cooperating?" Neta chuckled. "Oh he is. We all are to a point. We've got a common enemy now, Master Jedis...and we'll need all the help we can get." "Agreed." Matt added to his affirmation: "Allow us to get our bearings and then we can meet with you all." "We've decided to hold our general pow wow in the main hall we're in right now. Check back in with us at around..." She checked a chronometer she had strapped onto her wrist before venturing off the ship. "Eight am? We're running on GST, which means you'll have thirteen hours to yourselves. I'll have one of the kiddos show you to your rooms." ________________ As he straightened up, he could feel a massive uptick in Force energy, as if almost the whole facility had been infused with even more of the Force. Had the Masters arrived? And where was Aria? Hopefully not getting into too much trouble without him...