[@Marquise] Awesome. Looks like we could work together in many areas too. Transportation/Shipping is something we can come to some agreement regarding, assuming you'll be wanting access through the Suez Canal and Med? I would also prepose some kind of project regarding your robotics and our agricultural programs. With our sensors and advanced biometrics some kind of automated robotic intergration could be beneficial. Of course we'd like to use your facilities to launch satalites too, if that's the kind of thing you'd be willing to do. [@Legion02] Guns for advanced computers and preferential investments? We like to have as many fingers in as many pies as possible. [@ClocktowerEchos] My CEO sheets are inside the hider up there on my sheet. Let me know if everything is good :) (there are three, two for obvious reasons, a third because there may be a sudden shift in management in the company fairly early on).