[center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title319801692.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=white]⚙️[/color] [color=Silver][u]Ferris Grey Solidor [/u] [u] Beacon, Air Docks [/u][/color] [color=white]⚙️[/color][/h3][/center] A second man spoke up, with a different account than his teamate, much more moderate than his fellow. As much as Ferris wasn't sure who, if either, had the story straight, so he couldn't make a conclusion, but from what he over heard, he could piece together the important details of what happened. He felt a little guilty for eavesdropping afterward, for there was little he could do, other then morn the death of a Hunter. "May I assist you, Mr. Solidor?" Ozpin asked, turning about to face Ferris. Slight gulp. Ferris bit back the first reply that came to his mind and the second too. Neither of them were very polite, and it would not do to mouth off to the Headmaster. Besides, Ferris actually respected the man. Ferris concealed his intimidation and surprise and gave the gray-haired Professor an apologetic grin. [color=silver]"No sir, I'll be on my way now."[/color] Ferris wasn't trying to hide anything, he was fairly sure that Ozpin already knew what was up. The question had been retorical, and the implication behind it was clear. They had just lost a friend, and having a stranger hanging around was probably not what they wanted. He inline his head slightly to Ozpin, and turned to go. During the brief conversation, he had had the strange feeling that someone was wating him. It was a disturbing sensation, like...a predator's eyes on him. He surreptitiously glanced around to find the owner of the gaze and his eyes fell on a girl with bright red -- No wait, that didn't quite describe it. Scarlet was a better color. Yeah, like blood. -- Scarlet hair and eyes staring at him. She was standing next to a gorilla of a man, spiky hair, firce eyes, and angular features. A Faunas, Ferris decided, but what type he couldn't tell from this distance. The contrast between the pair was quite striking. A moment later, the big guy left and the girl followed. He frowned after them, not quite sure what that was about. A thought struck him and he pulled out his Scroll, called up a contact, and tapped out a quick one-handed message: [pre]To: Team You guys alive yet?[/pre] The smell of cooking food made him look up, and the Faunas from earlier had set up a freaking grill, and was cooking his heart out. Ferris raised an eybrow. [color=silver][i]How bizarre. Don't they know that the Mess Hall serves breakfast? To each their own I guess.[/i][/color] Now, about that library... [@SuperCustodiam][@NarayanK][@Lucius Cypher][@Caasicam][@Lugubrious]