[@McHaggis] [@Roosan] [@Undine] [hider=Lucas Farweight] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/df/4e/25/df4e2554461d2bddcde86954e11dee60.jpg[/img] [color=662d91][h1]Lucas Farweight[/h1] [h2]Ascendant[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=662d91][h2][u]B A S I C P R O F I L E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=662d91]● [u] N A M E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Lucas Peter Farweight [indent]Some call him Luke.[/indent] [/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] A G E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]39[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] G E N D E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] O C C U P A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Forest Ranger of the State Park. Lucas run pretty much every shift his supervisor throws at him with ease. Military dicipline does that with you. So you often see him wandering the woods at dusk, midnight or dawn without any complaints. He also has the required certificates to work as a gym teacher at the Highschool. Though he's more of a substitute should the current one resign or anything like that.[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] L O O K S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Standing an impressive 6'0", Lucas is a man that keeps himself in check. He doesn't drink a lot nor smokes that much. Quite the opposite, he runs around the neighborhood every morning at 6am (if he doesn't have an early shift), lifts and does various other physical exercises. So he's still in top physical shape. Something that's hard not to notice. Despite that, he doesn't look particularly wide. He's more lean and flexible. His face is mostly devoid of scars, which is a good thing. His body, however, is a different story. Should you ever see him take off his shirt you will definitely be drawn towards the scars. His back and arms and chest are marked with burn scars, lacerations and small, round scars that can only be from bullets. He also has a tattoo on his right arm saying: Semper fi. Lucas luckily adapted a bit to civilian lifestyle. He doesn't tuck his shirt in or anything. Still, he wears the classic tight shirts of a marine, over which he drapes a leather jacket. His wardrobe mostly consists of durable, comfortable stuff that doesn't really confine his movement. Though it can never be called fashionable.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=662d91][h2][u]P S Y C H E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=662d91]● [u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Lucas is man that mostly keeps to himself. Though he isn’t anti- or asocial. Quite the opposite. He’ll strike up a conversation of be your listening ear for as long as you need him. However he’ll rarely talk about himself. At least not in any significant way. When you ask him how he’s doing, he’ll probably answer with something as simple as “good, just made a cake”. It’s all superficial. Still, he’s an honest and hardworking man that simply and quietly goes about his days. When others need him, he’ll be there. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2 in the afternoon or 3 at night. He’ll drive to you and be there. To him, it doesn’t matter how ugly things got. Or how insignificant the issue may be. He’ll even drive you home after a long night at the bar (though don’t expect him to be your designated driver every weekend). Many would claim that this behavior comes from his days in the Marines. They’re right. Though there is something odd about him. The way he carries himself and pushes himself. He’s constantly ready to help everyone. Many say he’s working towards his redemption. For what? Well he probably killed some people as a Marine. Probably for that. They probably don’t know how true it really all is.[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]You're not going to get Lucas on a date with anyone. Not even if you threaten him to do so. He will absolutely refuse to do so. It seems he still keeps loyal to his first wife. As he still carries her ring on a chain around his neck.[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] O R I G I N S T O R Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Lucas was born into the family of Alina and Paul Farweight. Their early life was filled with joy. Their mother was a PR Manager for Millenium Worldwide European Branch. Their father a wealthy investor with a hedgefund at his beck and call. Both met at one of Millenium's many events. It's fact that he was so struck with her that he commanded his secretary to make every European event happen at that Millenium Hotel. Just to have an excuse to see her. Eventually, he asked her out. From one thing came the next and they married. She moved to the United States with him and became a HR and negotiation manager for his hedge fun. Eventually they got their first child. Lana Farweight. A healthy, beautiful girl. Not many years later Lucas entered their lives. Despite the many hours, the parents always made sure that they saw their children often and played with them on the weekends. Lana shot through school. Being both a social butterfly and an a promising student, her middleschool and highschool days were the best she had. Her scores in academics soared skywards. Lucas, on the other hand, excelled exceptionally in physical sports. He became Highschool Quarterback and carried his team to the State championships. But he wasn't the ordinary, nerd kicking jock some would assume he was. Quite the opposite. He sat with them at lunch, introduced them to his friends, invited them to parties. His test scores were above average of the class. Everything indicated that both children had a promising future ahead. Lana went to University to get her MBA. A decission both her parents whole supported. A few years later and it was Lucas' turn to choose. Many assumed he would be drafted in some college football program. After that he'd go pro. However, he joined the marines. Which came as quite a shock to both of his parents. Of course his mother begged him not to go. But the boy did. Among the Marines he practically floated through basic training. He showed exceptional leadership skills while simultaneously very capable at following every order given. without questions. That's when his touring began. After one particular tour he returned home at the young age of 20. He met the most beautiful girl of his life. Their relationship was like a hurrican. It suddenly happened so very fast. After only six months they got married. Six months later and Elizabeth was born. But duty called. Lucas was called upon for another tour. His wife wasn't really angry about it. Just sad that he had to leave. However, the tour would be something completely different from the usual ones. [hider=Darkness spoilers...] Lucas' easy obedience and leadership skills did not go unnoticed. This was at a time when the CIA still held major military assets. He was drafted without his knowledge. When he boarded the plane he realized that nothing would be the same. On his flight he was briefed. He was now part of a CIA Black Ops unit. Which wasn't all that fancy as in modern games. If he died, the country would make his official records vanish. If he got captured, the US would deny his existence and claim he's a rogue. All-in-all, if shit went down, he was on his own. His missions were much better. The CIA used the Black Ops units for everything from assassination to extortion. But 'village raid' was the mission they had to do the most. Terrorists often hid among the civilian population. When a terrorist is deemed dangerous enough, they send the Black Ops to simply clean out the village. An unethical but required procedure. Often also a very dangerous and dirty one. The biggest problem, though, were humanitarian aid workers. One of such a mission they arrived with their humvee at a village and began rounding up civilians. There were two humanitarian aid workers there. He didn't know for what they worked. He didn't care. But they resisted. They tried to protect the children. Lucas still remembers the order he was given: [i]"Leave no white witnesses."[/i] It wasn't the first time he ever got such a call. Once he asked veterans why white witnesses? Was their supervisor some sort of racist? The truth was that over 90% of those care workers were white. And they came from all over the western world. Which meant that, if they talked, the Black Ops unit would be exposed. So they had to be killed to be sure they'd remain silent. One aid worker tried to attack one of his teammates during the round-up. A hot-headed but foolish action. Lucas shot him in the head. Right before the eyes of the female aid worker. Who was protecting the children. He was about to finish her off too, holding the gun on her forehead while yelling: "Move!" (So he could take out the children too to make it look like a terrorist raid). However, she was saved. A technical drove up to the village and opened fire. Lucas and his group were forced to dive for cover and return fire. The firefight injured one of his teammates. He couldn't linger long at the village. If he shot the other aid worker but left most of the village's population whole, suspicions would arise. While one aid worker shot could still look like a raid. He put his pistol under the aid worker's head and told her to never say a word about what happened. Or her brains would be splattered over whatever country's earth she lived at. After the threat, they moved out. His buddy didn't make it.[/hider] After that tour, he came home to his wife. But one day, she vanished. Almost literally. She went to sleep next to him and the next day she was gone. Lucas would have thought she literally just vanished rather than that she ran away. But after 2 days he received a phone call. She couldn't do it anymore. Their daughter was 3 now. Lucas was forced to let her stay at Lana. Who took good care of his child while he ran several more tours (the normal ones and the 'dark' ones). Eventually, he came home when his daughter was 8 and he never went back. With an honorable discharge, he decided to move to Verona. To find quite and peace. When she turned 9 they officially moved there. He took up the job as park ranger and he became a very driven (on the background) part of the community. Eight years later and the sickness hit both him and his daughter. Though the man refused to just leave her to her fate. He packed himself tight and walked to the pharmacy and shop quite often. He still cooked for her, making sure she still ate healthy food. After the three days both their sickness passed and life went on as normal. Yet something felt odd. He could hear whispers from no-where. Eventually he realized something wasn't right with him when he overlooked a book on natural physics of his daughter (he often tried to help with her studies) and a small singularity popped on the kitchen table, slinging around the knives and forks. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=662d91][h2][u]T H E M U N D A N E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=662d91]● [u] S U P E R P O W E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Cosmic manipulation[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Ascendant[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] A B I L I T I E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Cosmic manipulation basically means he can bring forth celestial objects their powers. Like suns, asteroids or planetary rings. The basics are that he can create a wormhole-like object with one side near him where he wants it and the other side is near the celestial power. For example, he can make a small wormhole in the ring of Jupiter. Those frozen particles then get shot out from his side. (However, while those particles should be at breakneck speeds from being in orbit, if anything comes through the wormhole it gets slowed down significantly to a more atmospheric survivable speed). He can do the same with solar flares or asteroids. The catch, however, is that initially, that wormhole (or rather white hole) is far too small to transport anything of significance. Something he can do, however, is summon forth a singularity. A small black hole that sucks up whatever is near.[/indent] [color=662d91]● [u] W E A K N E S S E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Obviously it takes a lot of energy to make said black holes, wormholes, and white holes. But the problem goes deeper. He needs a level of understanding of the universe. In fact, if he wants to have even but an inkling of mastery over his powers, he'll need to understand many complex physics phenomenon. Example: to create larger and larger wormholes, his understanding of an Einstein-Rosen bridge needs to increase. If he wants to summon forth the ice shards orbiting Jupiter, he needs to know at what orbit they fly, at what speed and where Jupiter is relative to earth. In other words, his control, mastery, and power is directly linked to his understanding about the ever-changing cosmic orchestra. Next, LLucas will be particularly haunted by 'forces' that humanity has not yet discovered. He'll hear whispers, see things in his nightmares and often think he saw certain objects or figures. Basically he's going a bit bonkers. (but not so much that he goes fullblown insane)[/indent] [/hider]