[quote=@Legion02] [@Roseletta] Been said before. I'm still very unsure and it generally feels more like a formality what to call it. However, I'll make the two points again: - According to the wiki, Erza's magic is called Re-Equip: the Knight. Which only covers her armor. Her blades are apparently part of 'sword magic'. - Second, Erza's focus is more in bringing forth those blades and wield them. While certainly an aspect, I plan on having Alexander more like summon the blades and shoot them off. If you've ever seen Fate/Zero, I'm referring to Gilgamesh's power (though toned down for now, obviously). [/quote] Again, in my last response to you I pointed out that [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_Magic]Sword Magic[/url] allows the same fashion of attack you're employing. I'm not pointing it out as a flaw but just that I don't see a significant difference that warrants it being it's own magic. Other than that your char is pretty much accepted. [@Fourze] As [@Roseletta] pointed out Takeover is a magic that betrays Golem's Hand's philosophy, as the magic is giving the wizard strengths he does not already have rather than being an extension or conduit for their natural abilities. So he wouldn't be permitted to join Golem's Hand. [@Lmpkio] Like [@Leslie Hall] mentioned about Wrath of the Lizardking, you're gonna need to add more than "it's not impossible to beat him" to balance that. You don't have to have some crippling weakness but you gotta mitigate the fact that it sounds OP without further fleshing out the ability. [@Cardamonelaw] Everything looks good to me. Welcome to the RP~