Aria’s gaze flickered sideways to meet Yerbol’s, the corners of her mouth turning upwards in a smirk as she answered his question. [i]Well, everyone at the Academy always used to say that the reason they called her Darth Lash wasn’t JUST because of the Lightwhip![/i] She followed up by confirming that their newest addition was indeed as powerful a Sith Lord as Roan, which would come in handy for their rebellion’s forces, but might prove the other Sith Master to be...difficult to get along with. She turned her attention towards Janika and Manso as the young duo expressed their concerns, assuring them with another snort of laughter that “As long as you stand up straight and say ‘yes ma’am’ when she tells you to do something, you’ll be fine. With any luck she’ll be so occupied with the Masters she won’t even notice the rest of us.” She had been trying to shake it off while they greeted Cheriss and tried to wait for the other Masters but after the two had been dismissed to seek help from Havok squad, she realised that her limbs felt like they were weighted down with lead. It was difficult to tell, with the link between them as substantial as it had become, how much of the fatigue was her own and how much of it was trickling along the thread from Yerbol’s mind. Either way, it became clear to them both that when he couldn’t even lift one of the crystals off the ground without effort, they should both return to their room and rest up before their other guests arrived to the summit. ________________________ [10 hours later (approx)] To hope that they could have an entire night’s rest undisturbed was wishful thinking, of course. While they managed to get a good several solid hours in, it was still the middle of the night when another premonition disturbed Yerbol’s dreams, as a result rousing Aria as well. She wasn’t able to hear the ENTIRE conversation, more like snippets of the exchange between the two had wormed their way into her own dreams through the link, jolting her awake about two hours prior to Yerbol waking himself. Aria sat bolt upright, stifling a yelp as the top of her head connected with the ceiling due to the force at which she was jolted awake. Groaning softly, she slid out of the bunk to find the Knight still tossing and turning in his sleep; she had contemplated shaking him awake as she rubbed the sore spot on her head, then decided against it (there were old superstitions about interrupting people’s nightmares before they were done that she felt probably applied to creepy Force-related visions, too). Instead, she slipped out of the room and headed for the main entrance to check whether there was an extra shuttle parked alongside the others yet. Though she found that wasn’t quite the case yet, the fresh air allowed her to clear her thoughts enough to recognise that the voice from the vision had been the SAME voice as the one they had heard before docking on Manaan. So whoever had begun the True Sith’s crusade was still watching them. He had talked about the same things the projection in the temple had told them. Balance, harmony and re-stabilising the Force….Did he know where they were, would he tip off Bracknell and Soto to their location? She would have to discuss these things with Yerbol later when they got the chance. The gravity of that insinuation began to sink in and made the hairs on the back of her neck prickle uncomfortably as she began to pace back and forth in the main meeting area, not wanting to wander the halls in case she disturbed any of the others from their rest. ______________________________ Only a few hours later, Neta had reappeared in the communal area and informed Aria of the incoming spacecraft as a few of the others of the group could be heard shuffling about in their quarters as well. As she was already awake, Aria volunteered to come with the redhead to greet the other Jedi Masters, in the hopes of putting a good foot forward in terms of their co-operation with the Sith representatives. It would help for them to meet someone who wasn’t as stuck-up about their (former) allegiances as her father and Master Matare. As Master Naylan and his wife entered the compound, she dipped into a formal bow she had seen Academy tutors use to greet her father or other Sith Masters when they came to check on student’s progress in training, hoping the gesture was a universal sign of respect for Masters of higher rank and that it wouldn’t have the opposite effect by offending them. “Master Naylon, Mrs Naylon. It’s good to see you again.” she followed Kira’s gaze to see Roan situated in one corner of the room, apparently asleep himself though it was always hard for her to tell. “Everyone else is resting now, but by eight or so we’re hoping to get the meeting underway.” Aria hadn’t returned to her bunk after showing the Jedi Masters to open quarters and bidding them a good rest, instead halting in the hallway after a few steps and propping her back up against the wall. She had meant to just take a few moments, until her legs felt like they could ACTUALLY move again, and then go back to check on Yerbol...but had ended up sliding down into a sitting position and drifting back into a dreamless sleep right there. _______________ [13 hours later] She was abruptly jolted awake at about eight am by Cheriss’ voice in the hallway immediately adjacent to the main room screeching: “NOCTIS, YOU BASTARD! KEEP THOSE FILTHY DOGS OF YOURS ON A DAMN LEASH!” followed by an overly-jubilant cackle from Roan. Opening her eyes, Aria would find an agitated Kira seated alongside her husband and another older man and woman (the other Jedi Masters, no doubt) in the middle of the room. Cheriss had given Roan a wide berth to join the Jedi in the room, every pair of eyes present trained on Roan who loitered in the doorway with the tomb beasts chattering eagerly as they observed the newest additions to their ragtag group. “You are NOT bringing those….THINGS in here!” “I can’t help it if they would rather follow me around. They make their own decisions, Naylon.” “LIAR! You’re telling them what to do!” the other female Jedi snapped, glowering at the Sith Lord as Roan smiled smugly and shrugged his shoulders, retorting. “So what if I am?” Aria groaned and pushed herself groggily to her feet, muttering to herself under her breath. “Oh, you have GOT to be [i]karkin’[/i] kidding me!” apparently she had slept through the start of the meeting. As expected, it had already descended into petty squabbling that had NOTHING to do with their current situation. Fumbling for the thread that linked her mind to Yerbol's she latched onto it and called out, still laced with tiredness. [i]Hey, wanna help me break this up? They're bickering already and I don't think we've even started talking about any of the important stuff.[/i]