It would seem that pride was worth dying for. While woefully under armed and fueled by anger, the Ashlander seemed to accept his fate and the desire to bring Do'Karth down with him. The Khajiit smiled ruefully. He'd hoped it would play out this way. He wasn't in a terribly fine mood to humour his enemies at this point. What he wasn't expecting, however, was the explosive crack that sounded from above and a shower of debris and burning steam that engulfed the Ashlander. Do'Karth covered his head with an arm and crouched away from the collapse, protecting his face and head from harm. When none came to him, he looked. The Ashlander that had charged Do'Karth was prone and trapped under debris, motionless. The open skull that splattered blood and tissue ahead of the body was enough of an indication that that particular problem was dealt with. Do'Karth bowed his head, holding his amulet of S'rendarr and recited a quick prayer for the Mer's soul before taking notice of Narivar staring hatefully back at him. The Ashlander's spear caught Do'Karth's eye. [I]Solveig would appreciate that.[/I] he thought, sizing up the Mer before him. "You're still alive!" Came a cry that pulled both Narivar and Do'Karth's attention away from one another and Madura, the insufferable fool, was running towards him like a child towards his mother's skirts, oblivious or ignorant to the dangerous all around. To Do'Karth's great pleasure, immediately barreling beyond Madura came Edith, who took him down with an impressive tackle and tied him up with a rancher's skill with a rope. The Khajiit's respect for the woman rose immensely. Narivar was quite distraught, as it turned out, and the colossal amount of loss his people had suffered had cut deep. Do'Karth was confused and concerned when the Dunmer opened his mouth and swallowed the key, wondering how on Nirn they planned on retrieving that. Did he think people would respect his corpse and not cut into it to free the key? The whole situation made very little sense. Edith's presence was noted as she sidled up beside Do'Karth, reciting her instructions. Do'Karth nodded once in agreement and began to flank him around the left, moving at a quick trot to keep in line with Edith. When the duo moved in for the attack, Do'Karth decided to aim at disabling Narivar by injuring his spear-wielding arm and removing the weapon from his grasp. He hoped that the Ashlander's skill with the weapon was as pathetic and desperate as he looked.