"Ehh? But beneath the floor is where mother's traps are," Yuuno protested, frowning, "They couldn't even get an arm down there, that's for sure. It triggers the moment it finds anything down there and melts them like acid." "Still," Toshiko replied, "Isn't there a chance that they could have displaced a limb in there? Or..." The redheaded mage narrowed her eyes. Hold it a moment, what was... Leaning in closely, Toshiko eyed the porcelain beneath the glass case. There was something curious there... It was a dark print. Too wide and thick to be a fingerprint... a toe-print? The blood, if that is what it was, was dried, and from the shape it seemed like a big toe on a small foot. And alongside it, a couple of blonde hairs... "... Someone was inside the case, with an injured foot," Toshiko concluded. Sadly this did not exactly help too much, but those blonde hairs... blonde hairs an an injured foot. Unless the culprit had fled quickly enough that at least narrowed down their potential suspects...