Brokk merely ambled about the city as he waited for the time to go aboard. He did not have much to do; he was not interested in whores, and was not feeling particularly gluttonous at the moment. As such he subsided with a walk; good for one's health, or so he heard anyway. When he saw the ship he groaned a little. It was definitely not the reliable Dawi Ironclad that he was hoping for. Obviously it would be one of silly umgak sailboats for lesser races like elgi and umgi that were not brave enough to wholly tame their surroundings; they still relied on wind. Still, complaining only did Lonbeards and perhaps better humoured Dawi any good he reckoned. "Mustn't grumble, that's left for the likes of me." he said, giving his beard a cautious stroke as he went on the gangplank. He slept quite soundly for an hour or two when they finally set sail. He dreamed a dream of old-grudges settled, of his life going differently. Of her not dying. Finally waking he smiled; he did not see the dream as mocking him, he saw it as release from painful existence. He once more cleaned his Thrund, and realising that there could be pirates loaded it. Since he had time to do it all precisely he did not bother using paper which would make it marginally less accurate. A good first shot could turn the tide of the battle. Satisfied with his quantity of powder, and his work cleaning he slung the thing over his back. When he finally came upon the deck he chuckled hearing all the grumbling. "It's not too bad; we could have went on some urk's boat." He laughed once more as he remembered a clan of forest goblins trying to sail - in what was at best a pond, yet in truth a puddle. "At least these umgi usually have the decency to use powder on their watercraft, I'll give 'em credit for not being stupid enough to try and use bolt throwers at sea." he said with his laugh extended again. The Longbearded Ranger sat near the mast puffing on his pipe, and offering whoever wanted one a light. "So who's ready to give these Lizards a good fight? They can hide right and nasty, some of them even change the colour of their skin to fit in with their surrounding. I've dealt with forest grobi, skaven, beastmen and wutelgi and their forest kin, but none of them had such a skill without the help of their silly magics. I reckon you best keep your horse tied somewhere if you value it pally. They'll eat it nearly soon as sees it, especially what with all the jungle to trip over. I won't say anything against armour; it's right and useful when you knows the gits are better sneaks than you but ya really should keep the pretty thing at shore."