Jace kept his teeth clenched together to prevent them from chattering. The cold had long ago seeped to his bones and his feet had long ago lost their feeling due to the slush of rain and mud. Every step grew more difficult than the last and knew if they didn't find shelter soon, then they had the real possibility of getting hypothermia. A distant rumble of thunder shocked him out of his stupor and made him wince. He shrugged his head further into his as if attempting to hide from the thunder but it looked like he was trying to cover more to retain body heat. Although he was a big guy who could fight an elephant and come out victorious, but one thing he couldn't stand was storms. It was quite a childish fear but he never had been able to curb the benign emotion. "There used to be an abandoned settlement nearby a few years ago. Most of it collapsed to the ground, but there were a few houses that were standing, for the most part. Its worth a shot to get out of this rain. It is only a couple of miles from here." He looked over at Basil, slightly wide-eyed.