Kitala at once noticed ease Xerath was. That wasn't exactly commonplace when it came to her, seeing as she was, well, [i]her.[/i] Aggressive. Violent. Intimidating. [color=ed1c24]"I hope your having fun and not causing any trouble for anyone, Delsin wouldn't tolerate it especially today,"[/color] he remarked. She found the laid-back smile on his face oddly charming. Kitala supposed that she should appreciate the fact that he wasn't worried about her punching him in the face, or something. The Sound mage managed to relax just a bit at that thought. [color=FF2400]"Well, I'm...doing my best on that front,"[/color] she replied, chuckling softly. Trouble was the last thing she wanted to get into right now, given that she was intimately familiar with the concept of [i]getting in trouble.[/i] [color=ed1c24]"I called you over here because I couldn't help but laugh when I saw you devour that donut in one bite."[/color] Crap, he [i]saw[/i] that? And [i]laughed?[/i] That's...horrifically embarrassing. [color=FF2400]"I-um-well, I was...hungry?"[/color] A light red played across her cheeks, though she was blissfully unaware of this fact. Gods above, she'd never wanted to punch herself in the stomach this much before. Today was a day of peace, perhaps, but tomorrow called for some [i]serious[/i] skull bashing. Sparring sounded like such a sweet, sweet escape right now. Her eyes followed Xerath's as he looked up into the sky as she wondered just what it was he was thinking about. Such a philosophical guy, huh? He turned back to face her. [color=ed1c24]" "I know golem's hand can be strict but we never lose sight of what is important, though we value power what makes us different is what we use that power for, and we do it to protect the people."[/color] His hand was on her head, ruffling her hair as he spoke. Something about it made her feel childish. Like she was twelve, almost. And thus, the already-present red on her face brightened a few shades. [color=FF2400]"Y-yeah, I know...protecting people is why I joined to begin with. It's um...the most important part of being in Golem's Hand, I think."[/color] It was the honest truth, anyway. [@pkken]