[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/berserk/images/b/b9/Guts_Anime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160918230925[/img][/center] [center][h1]Dreadlock, Guardian, Savant & Aya[/h1][/center] [center][h2]City T[/h2][/center] [center][@Emuxe][@Melkor][@Oblivion666][/center] Allister nodded with slight relief that he didn't remove Savant's nose from his body. Then he heard Dreadlock irritated response to which he chuckled with a light smirk lining his mouth. Soon enough his [b][i]B[/i][/b]-rank comrade joined them up top. As to the second question was answered by both he grimaced. [color=a0410d]That doesn't sound good...Angel Grace is on her way to one of the other cities. I'm not sure which one, but she's joining in this battle as well. Sorta feel bad for the Demon level that has to fight her...[/color] He glanced towards one of the other cities, flashes of lights and smoke could be seen, the muffled sounds of explosions heard. Clearing his throat he looked at the other two. [color=a0410d]Alright, I batted the little demon over there-"[/color] He raised his large blade and glanced back at the both of them as he walked towards the edge of the building nearest the duck demon, using his blade as the marker. [color=a0410d]"If anything be careful...I probably pissed it off."[/color] A twitch to his mouth suggested a smirk wanted to form despite the seriousness of the situation. He looked down towards the ground before glancing back at them, placing the blade back in its massive sheath for the next part. [color=a0410d]"Let's go..."[/color] And with no hesitation he leaned off the building, freefalling to the ground below. The air rushed past him as his plummet neared its end. He prepared the landing, leaning back, allowing hs feet to touch first before kneeling low. [i]"Crack"[/i] The asphalt caved in as he pushed off the ground, launching himself forward and into the air as a powerful leap towards the Demon level. If any hero was over there currently, and they saw them earlier, they would know that they were on their way to destroy the target.