[center][b][h2][color=hotpink]Andromeda Kailani[/color][/h2][/b][/center] Andromeda's Scroll gave a beep, accompanied by a flash, which nearly caused her to drop the biscuit she had managed to obtain in surprise. "[color=hotpink][i]Mmmph![/i][/color]" she eloquently exclaimed, mouth currently full, as she used her pinky to select the new message. Her other hand was still occupied by a-slight warm at this point-cup of coffee. Number four, she was pretty sure. It was all kinda blending together into a unspecific time period before the caffeine kicked in. [pre]From: bossman You guys alive yet?[/pre] Andromeda snorted, rolling her eyes at the message. [color=hotpink][i]haha sure, funny[/i][/color] She pinky-typed a reply, pausing only to multitask (it is possible!) and take another bite out of the biscuit. [pre]i found coffee[/pre] Andromeda glanced up, peering around the area for a moment. Ferris must've woken up far before she did, not all that surprising, seeing as he was nowhere to be found in what was most students' first stop in the morning. That, or she totally blew past him from her half-sleeping march to here. Either was equally likely. Her Scroll flashed once again, drawing her attention back down. [pre]Careful not to drown.[/pre] [color=hotpink][i]oh jeez[/i][/color] She made a face at the screen. [pre]haven't yet, no promises tho[/pre] Looking up again, she actually recognized a familiar face in the growing sea of students, and she grinned, dropping her snack on the table to wave frantically in his direction. "[color=hotpink][i]Mmmmmmph![/i][/color]" Andromeda vocalized, before swallowing. "[color=hotpink]Cha[i]ron![/i][/color]" She called, waving her teammate over to her otherwise empty table, before typing out another message to Ferris. [pre]i found charon[/pre] [@Crimson Raven] [@SuperCustodiam]