[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TdonaYu.gif[/img][/center] [center][b]Updates:[/b][i] I'm working as fast as I can here and I'm almost done. Finishing up the CS page and making everything look all pretty for y'all. We should be going live soon.[/i][sup]1[/sup][/center] [@Habibi359] I can't promise anything. Though if we have room you are more than welcome to apply then! [@Darth Squidius][@Sep] :nat Here is your congratulatory banana. Thank you for having a civilized discussion like humans. I'm so proud of you. [@Heat] Well of course. Humans are very boring. [@Zora] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/ClcWrARkrq1GM/giphy.gif[/img] [sup]1[/sup][sub]Soon is an indeterminate amount. Hex uses Soon to refer to any time for several hours to one day. Just keep checking back and don't worry he will tag all of you when it is time.[/sub]