[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LVxoGqK.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]Air Docks[/h3] [/center] Sand was treated to the awkward experience of the Headmaster of a Huntsman Academy apologizing to her. In response, she gave a small bow of the head, taking the chance to briefly break eye contact. “It couldn’t be helped, Sir. Thank you.” As Ozpin spun around to address one of the onlookers, Sand felt the tension draining from her shoulders. Most students milling around the docks quickly began to lose interest, returning to their own business and leaving the three of them to their own devices. And that was that for the moment. Sand would be staying with the team she ran into during her own mission. It made sense, really. A vacancy was created and filled the moment a suitable replacement was found. It had occurred to her that something like this would happen when she learned the three hailed from Beacon, but it still surprised her how readily the headmaster had made the decision. [i]My being here must be convenient for the school’s administration, [/i]she thought. [i]At least until they decide what to do with Robert. [/i] Then again, oversimplifying the situation like that was hardly fair to those involved. Perhaps it was overly cynical of her. It did no good dwelling on it, she resolved. She had more immediate concerns, in any case. The coincidence that had brought her to Beacon early meant she was completely unprepared. All she had to her name at the moment were her scroll and the clothes she was wearing, she had yet to report the result of her own mission, and she was largely ignorant of the school’s layout. She imagined most of that would have to wait until the school’s administration worked her into the system as an active student, lest she took a flight to Vale only to find she was not allowed back to Beacon without proper identification, but at least one issue could be rectified immediately. She looked at the two students, faces she was sure she would see a lot in the coming days. “Huh. I guess we’re officially teammates now. I honestly didn’t see this coming when you ran past me back in the forest,” she commented with a small, almost ironic smile that was well aware of the absurdity of their situation. She rested her hands at her hips. “What will you two do now? I imagine Robert will be in the doctors’ care for some time before we can see him. I don’t suppose one of you can show me to the dorms in the meantime?” [@Awesomoman64] [@Nytem4re]