Feon leaned back on seemingly nothing as she rolled her eyes at what Kol'Rakul had said. Him and his wit, and his yelling. "Yeah well watch yourself can't be trying to hold you back this whole time ya oaf." Feon said, she never did treat Kol'Rakul very nicely, but that was because she was so used to everything. This was around the time she noticed the young pale girl come up to her, introduce herself and then go to look at the claws hanging on the back of her sash. "Amarilla huh? I'm Feon. So long as you keep up that energy of yours kid, maybe you can help me keep the oaf in line huh?" Feon said showing the girl a rather dumb looking smile. "And as for staying up here, I think there is way more adventure to be had down there. And I'm quite sure Kol here is gonna be heading down. Someone needs to watch him." Feon added again with her rather dumb looking smile. Feon continued to try and ignore the circus master. She wanted nothing to do with that kind, never quite liked that kind. Always annoying and loud. Of course as there were so many in this group Feon couldn't pay attention to everyone. It was just better to pay attention to small groups as to not confuse someone for someone else.