[@Banana][@Starberries][@Turbowraith] Bartimus, in all of his birdly curiosity, regarded each of his new companions individually with a turn of his head to each of them and a quizzical tilt to the side. His body remained stationary as his head revolved on its axis almost 180 degrees in each direction to size up each of the party members that arrived. Kol'Rakul's offered friendly hand surprised Bartimus but he did not turn it away. He took the gesture with cautious deliberation before offering his arm and gripping the large man's at the forearm, taking care not to dig his claws in. "Well met, large one. I am Bartimus. The art of the axe is an underappreciated marvel in these parts. I have only seem axemen taking their quarrel to the tree's for firewood. Hardly a fierce opponent. I am eager to see a true artisan in motion. I am sure we can learn much from each other." His 'horns' quirked as another voice called out for the bird person present. A higher-pitched voice, belonging to the very pale girl decked out in the trappings of an alchemist. Her girlish crooning coupled with the barbarian's comments on his plumage fed an ego that Bartimus had worked hard to suppress, and he subconscious ruffled his feathers and stood taller. Instead of looking more imposing however, He merely looked more approachable. More... soft. "A pleasure to meet you too, young alchemist. One hopes that over the course of this endeavor, I might have an opportunity to regale you with tales of my nest. The proud history of my people. Books cannot capture it's essence fully. It's all chickenscratch to be frank." He capped the statement off with a soft hoot before Irthorne began his speech. Bartimus nodded along and at the mention of needing people for the surface, began rubbing at his beak as if rubbing at a tickle in a human nose. When Irthorne approached asking for a favor, Bartimus leaned in with interest and attention firmly held by the gnome. "I'm of no mind to reject a request. What need have you of this lowly Kenku?"