[b]Alexander Nevsky[/b] Listening carefully, it seemed that his Master had an interesting plan in mind, and at least it didn't involve replacing him. Nevsky couldn't speak to the value of individual cooperation like this, but it certainly couldn't hurt given what they were supposed to be doing, from his own knowledge. Of course it'd be a waste if they weren't traveling together, but that wasn't really his problem. Walgrave would have to be the one concerned by all of that. For the moment though he kept silent, more engrossed in his food even if he kept an ear out on the conversation. It seemed that his Master had things well in hand, and he did not want to speak up for fear of ruining whatever his plan was. When it seemed like Walgrave needed his aid then he would do so, but until then he saw no reason to intervene. Eventually they seemed to settle things amicably, leaving Nevsky to go off with his Master on whatever they were going to do next. Rising from his seat, he nodded to the duo that he had met previously. "Until next time," he said respectfully before following after his master, heeding the mental command. It was a pity to leave what was left of his food behind, but he would get back to it if he had the opportunity, and he had the feeling that this facility had more than enough to cope with the loss, given the amount of Servants present. Coming to a rest, he surveyed the room as Walgrave issued his next commands, specifically to go and interact with the others, so he could give assessments of them. "Ah, very well my Lord. That seems like a wise course of action. I will do what I can," he reassured Walgrave without hesitation or worry. If his Master had a problem, they always had their command seals to use. With that said he took his leave, moving away from him and towards the other servants who remained here at the moment. Some had left in the meanwhile but it wouldn't be a serious problem for him. It seemed things had gone along while he was distracted, but he couldn't complain too much about it. It wasn't like they had been waiting for him, and he had been distracted. But now that had changed, and he was more than ready to entreat with these other legendary heroes. Admittedly the Einzbern was involved, but there were plenty of other servants nearby as well. "I appear to have missed the argument," he noted as he surveyed the scene. There had been one, yet it appeared that it had been resolved by the Masters present already. So much the better really, since a fight was the last thing they needed. "A pity I cannot suggest a contest that would treat us all equally." Because as it stood some Servants would obviously have an advantage in certain contests than others? That was just the nature of the divisions that had been created for them in their current Classes. Without knowing what was fully available in this facility, he couldn't really propose alternatives beyond reciting epic verse, and he had the feeling many here would not go along with that as a competition. "But I shall have a go regardless," he said, looking towards Kintoki. He had no doubts as to his chances in this regard, but he was willing to try anyways. Stranger things had happened, and when else would he get the opportunity but in a festival such as this? Perhaps there was some way beyond mere applied strength to gain the victory. [@Beloss][@KoL][@ShadowKingman][@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y]