[@Redthorn Anvil] I'm not actually a tumblrite, though I do have a blog. Somewhere. Mostly I lurk and follow people I really like or who inspire my art/writing/whatever. But I see a lot of tumblr threads captured as images and posted on this geek group I'm in on FB, among other places...so yeah. It's a good way to separate the wheat from the chaff without having to go anywhere near the chaff in the first place. ^.^;; I think I agree, supermeta is probably a bit much. But nothing wrong with leaning on the fourth wall. Also I nominate Jenny Everywhere to be a character for no other reason than that I like her. Look her up. <3 In a more thematic sense, you could totally have Plot be a force in the setting, as in Sire or Mercedes Lackey's 100 Kingdoms series. Seriously, go read a bit of Sire, starting when they reach the Legacy Haven or wherever it is. Ooh, another idea is magic in a modern setting -- paired closely with computer programming. Not quite cyberpunk, but not really magitech either. Sorry, random thought. I'm tempted to offer up my cat char, Shroedinger, but...well I'm torn on that. He's very much mine. ...Then again, I suppose being in a state of wanting yet not wanting is entirely apropos when it comes to him. <3 I am indeed a lady. Well. Lady might be a bit much? I'm a she. And I know "they" is technically grammatically incorrect by established standards, but standards to have to change with the times, and I feel weird saying "he" when I don't know. Using "one" gets stuffy really fast, so I generally default to "they". Unless, y'know. I make a mostly-arbitrary assumption and go with it until corrected. ^.^;;