[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Roseletta][/center] Joshua moved through the festival, taking in the sights and sounds while dodging the children that where running through the streets. He didn't mind festivals, as he enjoyed the opportunity to relax and just not have a care in the world other then to enjoy himself. Events like these reminded him of the festivals he would go to with the dojo back in the far east, though he was often competing in some sort of tournament on those occasions. As he traveled through the streets, he spotted Amaya sitting on a hill by herself. He had worked with the dragonslayer on occasion and frankly found the girl a bit fascinating, especially how such a quiet, somewhat shy person, could have such incredible power. While he had asked about her past on one occasion, she refused to talk about it, and he could respect that, given how he didn't like talking about his own either. Glancing around, he went and grabbed something before approaching her, giving her a kind smile. "[color=ed1c24]I know you like ice and all, but maybe you should try some with a bit of flavor. You might like it[/color]." He said, holding out a grape flavored snow cone. He was holding one for himself in his other hand, though his was blue raspberry instead. "[color=ed1c24]Or would you prefer the blue one? Either fine, I'm fine with both of these. Course, you have the option to say no[/color]."