[centre][b][h1][color=Beige]Mercy-Rose[/color], [color=f7941d]Tabitha[/color], And [color=c4df9b]Ignatius[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Ignatius walked for a time, letting the city’s scents wash over him; he wouldn't say he was tracking anyone in particular, yet if he found a scent that was interesting, like an originals, he was going to track it. He went to where he knew there were Original properties- it was amazing how easy it was to hack a system, when Ignatius had first arrived in the town, he had searched its history, finding that the Moonwell siblings had been instrumental in bringing the town to life. He’d then searched for any property that had been, and still was, connected to them. They were the only ones he knew that actually had property. Over the years, Ignatius had tried to connect with all the Originals, whether Werewolf, witch or Vampire, he sought to know them all, to at least have some passing acquaintance with them all, with essentially the masters of each race. it was easier tracking the wolves- like went with like, after all. Yet he had stumbled across most of them, in one way or another- sometimes having contact, sometimes not. He’d come across the Moonwell siblings before, and had a deep respect for them both, although he’d been worried that he’d end up in some sort of creation of Tabitha’s. He wasn’t ashamed to say he was slightly afraid of Tabitha- she just wasn’t predictable. So Ignatius made his way to their place, to see if they were in residence. With many of the Originals making their way here, he was sure they would as well. As he approached the building, Ignatius had to laugh at human perception. In movies and books, a vampire's lair was portrayed to be dark, spooky, but often then not, they were bright and open, filled with whatever they’d accumulated over the years. Ignatius approached the door, and knocked. The plane ride had been a long one… and it was clear that in the time she had been gone, things had changed drastically within the world she once knew. Even the planes had changed- first class was something she was going to most definitely get used to once she was able to get back to her work; once she headed back home to the United Kingdom, and to her children. Slowing her pace, Mercy-Rose allowed the silk of her [url=http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1YAdqIXXXXXatXpXXq6xXFXXX8/1947-Highly-Original-Gowns-Silk-.jpg]dress[/url] to fall from her hands, her arms once more returning back to her sides as she looked up at the rather lavish house that had been more than well maintained over the years, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she rounded the gate, her heels making soft clicks against the cobblestone as she made her way up the path, her dark eyes falling from the rather grand structure to instead rest upon a familiar figure knocking at the front door. His scent… unmistakable. It was Ignatius Autumndale. [color=Beige]“..Mr. Autumndale; such a pleasant surprise to see you at our doorstep.”[/color] Slowing to a stop only a few steps behind him, Mercy brought her hands together in front of her body, a small though still gentle smile playing over her lips as she continued to eye his figure, [color=Beige]“My, you haven’t changed a single bit... Tell me; to what do we owe the pleasure..?”[/color] Tabitha had, unsurprisingly, lost her key to the house, but had had a spare placed in the garden somewhere. Not sure if it was there anymore, Tabitha nevertheless poked about the garden, not even thinking that there was a housekeeper that could let them in-she wasn’t even sure the housekeeper knew who they were. Had she been there, the last few decades? Knowing how humans were, chances were the last housekeeper wasn’t the current. So Tabitha poked around, searching what she thought was good hiding places, seeming to be unsurprised to see Ignatius, or perhaps she hadn’t even registered who it was. Ignatius turned from the door, towards Mercy, smiling, wondering if it was just good timing to catch them just coming home. He noted what she was wearing, and would have pushed it aside-maybe she was just coming home from a themed party or something, except he noted the hole from what could only be a sharp instrument of some sort. [color=c4df9b]“Ah, Mercy, you certainly know how to play to a guy’s ego. You look lovely, as always”[/color] With confidence, Ignatius gave her a warm hug, one you might give someone you hadn’t seen in years. And it had certainly been years. Stepping back, he quirked an eyebrow, looking again at what she was wearing, [color=c4df9b]“What are you wearing? I know retro is coming back, but still. You looked like you just popped out of the 1940s”[/color] He said with amusement, but there was underlying curiosity, and perhaps worry about the hole in the dress. The very moment his arms wrapped around her body, she brought her own up, one by one letting them snake around the back of his neck, her lithe (compared to his) figure pressing closely against his own as she held the embrace, her eyes closing and her head lowering until it was resting oh so comfortably within the crook of his neck- wolf or not; she had missed Ignatius… more than she could ever say. Unable to help the way that her eyes rolled at his question, she pulled herself back, her arms both relaxing though never leaving their place around his neck as she looked up at him, her own brow quirking slightly as the once warm smile she wore twisted into something that was more or less to be considered a playful smirk, [color=Beige]“..well, forgive me for not being as dapper as you. Spending almost a century locked away in a crypt, with a cursed blade plunged through my chest hasn’t really done anything for my wardrobe. You must remind me to go shopping later; or better yet, why not come with me..?”[/color] Dapper? Now that was a word he hadn’t heard in a long time, quickly explained by the cursed blade. How that could happen- Ignatius was sure there was only one or two of them around now-a-days; he didn’t know. [color=c4df9b]“Ah. Well. I suppose that is a reasonable excuse. A lot has changed in the last several decades, including clothing”[/color] While he was sure that she was joking, Ignatius simply wouldn’t be able to help himself, joking or not, in helping out a friend. Plus, clothes were always fun. [color=c4df9b]“And we’re going to have to get you up to scratch with technology, and [i]modern[/i] terms.”[/color] He said cheerfully, before his smile faded. [color=c4df9b]“How did you get trapped, Mercy?”[/color] He asked, not able to think of anything that could trap, and stab an Original Vampire, other than another original. Which was a rather troubling thought. She knew this had been coming; she expected it. Having been gone for so long without so much as a word… a peep of any kind… of course the others were going to start asking questions to do with her whereabouts now that she was once again out in the world. Though it didn’t mean that she was ready, or happy about it… [color=Beige]“..Ignatius, I-...”[/color] Mercy’s expression faltered slightly, her once playful smile slowly disappearing from her lips as she kept her gaze locked with his, seeming to search his eyes for the longest of times before finally, she gave in, knowing that she couldn’t keep the truth from him even if she wanted to. [color=Beige]“..it was Kyran…”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“Kyran? That ass?”[/color] Ignatius wasn’t aware the words had slipped out until he heard them, always one to never say anything bad about someone, they’d slipped through his control at his surprise. [color=c4df9b]“How did he manage… nevermind. Why were you trapped so long?”[/color] he looked to Tabitha, sure that she would have been looking for her sister, still poking around in the garden, apparently having gotten distracted by a flower, and back to Mercy, [color=c4df9b]“But... are you okay?”[/color] He couldn’t imagine being trapped in a stasis like that, like the cursed blades were rumoured to bring about, neither dead or alive. What toll must that have on one of them, not so much physically, but mentally? [color=Beige]“..I-... I don’t know…”[/color] Speaking softly, Mercy-Rose shook her head lightly from side to side, her eyes (full of nothing but pure honesty) never once leaving his as she gave herself time to think on his question- [i]was[/i] she alright..? [color=Beige]“..everyone forgot me…”[/color] Dropping her head, she took a moment’s pause, her eyes shutting tightly for a brief spell before eventually, she opened them once more, her head lifting back up so that she could again meet with his worried gaze, [color=Beige]“..almost a century in the dark; alone… timeless… no one came for me- hell, until Tabi finished one of her pieces, she didn’t even realize that I had gone missing…”[/color] Ignatius wrapped his arms around her in a hug once more, unable to imagine how that would be like, how it must feel to know no one came… [color=c4df9b]“Oh, Mercy…”[/color] He wondered for a moment if it was plausible that someone had deliberately kept Tabitha distracted, perhaps knowing that there was one sure thing that would keep Tabitha focused-her family. But he didn’t suggest it, not right then. Why bring more problems, when it would just pile on Mercy even more? He wanted to be able to help-heck, he’d give both of them the shirt of his own back if that would do it. He just didn’t know how, and that pained him. [color=c4df9b]“Let’s get you inside, and see if there’s any clothes you can change into”[/color] He frowned slightly, glancing to Tabitha again, who was now happily weaving flowers together in a chain, amazed-although he really shouldn’t be-at how she could get so distracted. Tabitha looked up at the gaze, a child-like glee on her face, she bounded up from where she’d been sitting, and over to the two, bouncing as she walked, she plopped the flowers on Mercy’s head like a crown before going over to the door, taking out a key from a back pocket, it probably wasn’t clear to her if it was the spare she’d found or one she’d had all along, inserting it into the lock she pushed the door open.