Skarrab-Alea appeared on the scene a scant minute after Irthorne's initial speech had ended. It wasn't that she intended to be late, not at all; only, sunlight was such a rare and intriguing sight for her, granted that many of her kind chose to live in the more shadowy places of the world, and she rather felt a need to enjoy today's bright and sunny for as long as she could before descending into the crypt proper. And judging from what she'd caught of the royal advisor's speech, there would be some who had to stay behind after all, and whilst the light was good to enjoy, what a pity it'd be to have come all this way just to stand around outside the place doing most likely nothing whatsoever. But, before revealing herself proper, she figured she ought to take a moment determining the character of each person here. There was the court mage himself, of course worthy of respect if not admiration; a large and excessively boisterous man who drew attention to himself like moths to a flame, most likely a tall dwarf, though half-giant wouldn't surprise her either, and evidently not worth much of her time either way; two other beings she assumed were tall dwarves, one evidently a holy woman of some form and the other dressed in some form of knightly armour... she'd consider small talk with them both, if they proved worth the chat; another gnome, this one surrounded by many and varied devices that lived despite being made of nonliving materials... perhaps an enchanter like herself? Nonetheless, she could likely talk with him and discuss their respective works, perhaps benefiting them both in the long run; some form of strong-seeming owl man, with bird legs and an owlish head, and having a private discussion with Irthorne, and he was wearing blue after all, so possibly richer than he looked; and a pale, [i]very[/i] enthusiastic tall dwarf who felt the need to talk with anyone and everyone there in a loud voice. Not overly endearing, though she may end up forced to talk with her anyway. And that beggared the question of "how will they react when they see me?" It wasn't as though arakhan were particularly common sights on the surface world, and of those present, it seemed the most physically odd individual as far as the group's mean appearance went was the owlman talking to Irthorne... though the personalities on stage were certainly likely to outshine hers in terms of oddity. The train of thought trailed off, of course, when the illithid was brought into the clearing in chains and surrounded by three guards... hold on, [i]was[/i] that an illithid? It was a bit large to be a standard illithid, and it did seem to have both back tentacles and several extra eyes. She'd seen a few illithids in the Arakhan caves before, mostly from a few hundred meters away, and they all appeared rather more uniform than that... oh, perhaps this was one of their leader figures? What were they called, Ultralids? Ultralithids? Something silly along those lines. Either way, she no longer particularly needed to worry about being the strangest individual in the area. Not that she was worried before, only she'd heard tall dwarves hated spiders, that they liked to squish them and pull off their legs one by one. She supposed it was just the axe-bearer who might try that with her. Maybe the Ultralisk too. Ultharid. Whatever. Regardless, she finally stepped toward the group, moving as elegantly as her refined upbringing and substantial gymnastics training would allow, her upper pair of arms swinging as they'd expect whilst the other four remained planted on her hips, not drawing too much attention to themselves at first glance. Or perhaps they would. Once more, why did she care what the rabble thought of her? Indeed, though she intended to apologise to Irthorne for her slight lateness, he was presently occupied; until then, why not let them come to her? Establish that she was waiting for them to respond to her, and so immediately establish who stood where and so on.