Matt addressed the group with as calm of a voice he could muster: "We can deal with hounds and personal preferences about said hounds later. For right now, the fate of the galaxy might be in our hands. We can't spend time arguing." Voldon nodded, reaffirming his fellow Master's sentiment: "Like it or not, we're all cobbled here for a purpose. These 'True Sith' have obliterated Tython and Korriban, which means we're the only chance that our Orders have." Kira still had her arms folded across her chest, the scowl that had formed upon Noctis' frustrating teasing going away slowly. As the Sith joined them in their circle of chairs, both Neta and Elara emerged from the back of the facility, their strides in sync as they clicked towards the meeting and joined, Neta apologizing: "Sorry for not getting here sooner, but we got a late message from one of my people. Seems like our final guest is on their way and insists that we not wait for her appearance...she also said that the atmosphere would be no trouble to navigate, seeing as she's faced 'arctic' conditions before. Let's pray she's got the power she needs." Elara coughed slightly, which was to be the only sound for several moments other than the occasional shuffling of feet, a leg crossing or a silent glare shot from one Force user to another. It was Matt who decided to break the silence: "Well, I think we ought to first talk to our True Sith 'experts'." He motioned towards Aria and a suddenly visible Yerbol, who was standing at Aria's side, the natural curls in his hair even more accentuated by his quick rising and subsequent dressing. "Right. Let's hear what they have to say. I hear you have some rather convincing evidence to help sway us to unifying." Neta nodded to the duo, holding up a miniature holo projector that Havoc Squad allowed them to use. "I've got your back, kiddos. Tell em what you found." Yerbol looked to Aria momentarily, then back to the improvised "council". "Well, it started on Korriban..." He didn't know how long it had taken to tell every shred of their story, but between the two of them telling their narrative plus presenting the data they found on the Sith homeworld, it felt like days had passed by before Yerbol was able to summarize: "So we have what was once thought to be a dead predecessor to the Sith alive and well, infiltrating our ranks and committing genocide of all Force users. Their motivations are still unclear for the most part, but like we've explained, the two visions we've had talked about a balancing of the Force." "Balancing...that's a term I've heard before." Matthew mused, addressing Ailel: "There were some old datacrons we found in the Chamber of Secrets on Tython that discussed balancing the Force through different meditation techniques, but we believed that was more of an introspective balancing and not of an outward variety." "So if these visions are accurate..." Voldon shifted in his seat. "Then this 'balancing' really isn't a 'balancing' at all. Whatever force or being is pulling the strings wants a total eradication of the Force itself...or at least the users of the Force. But that won't stop those who are born with the ability to use the Force, now will it? What could this being want to achieve, if there is such a being? Maybe Bracknell is planting those visions to throw you off?" He looked to the Sith seated opposite from the group of Jedi, asking: "You know Bracknell better than we do. Think he's powerful enough to lead these two in the wrong direction?" "Wait, wait, let's go back even further." Kira gestured towards the Sith, asking: "How on EARTH did Bracknell get this much power in the first place? I never even heard of the guy until he wormed his way to Chancellor Saresh's side on the holonet. You guys didn't see this coming?" "Darth Jungze, I'm rather amazed at your power." "Most are, darling." She gently patted Kandar's shoulder, then tying the cloth around her eyes a bit tighter. "You just make yourself comfortable. I'll see what all the fuss is about." "Of course." The comely figure of Darth Jungze strolled down the ramp, the tresses of her ebony colored robe following along behind her as she appeared in the doorway of the facility, her lips pursing. "I see we've already started..." She whispered, choosing to hover in the doorway for a moment to hear the topic of conversation before she jumped in.