[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Chromis Contest Line -> Chromis League Line Interaction: [@MechonRaptor] [@ZachChase] [/center] [hr] [color=8dc73f]Oh- this is Blitzy, known her all my life! Actually we were born around the same time... so were almost like brother and sister. I wouldn't know who the breeder was... I think my dad mentioned a family friend who'd helped them out, some guy who travels the world a lot. [/color] The trainer of the rare pokemon spoke and Danilo couldnt help but melt a bit. [color=8882be]"Oh such a beautiful story! Bond such childhood to reach their dreams together. Quite beautiful indeed my friend. "[/color] He remembered quite vivid as he was only a young boy how his mother was trying to breed a rare coloration of ghastly. It was her first try doing it. In that time the house was more haunted than any book story. Yet in a winter night she hatched the egg and the special colored ghastly was quite a breathtaking view. It took his mother over a year to then find a home for each of the ghastly and a special trainer for the shining one. The photos of the shiny gengar was always placed on a visible spot in each home they moved to. [color=8882be]"I hope our ways cross again when you evolve the little friend of yours. As I would love to see her in her full beauty."[/color] Danilo bowed looking over to the silent boy and the way he stood a bit stiff and reluctant. Danilo guessed that he was of the shy sorts. Placing his glove protected hand on the trainer shoulder he smiled at him. [color=8882be]"This wish goes for you too. I would be honored to see a alolan ninetails. I heard stories that they rival the moon with their gleaming tails. It would be a honored pleasure to witness that." [/color] He gave him a friendly tap, listening to them for a bit before he tapped with his staff against the ground.Francis at that point chipped approvingly flying up and settling on the top hat rim, making the hat tilt to the side but still stay securely on top of Danilos head. [color=8882be]"Alas, the time flies, I have a signup still to do."[/color] He gave them a farewell wave and moved directly towards the league line. He saw a bit off to the pokepark that the trainers were in a fight. He stood in the short line as most were busy with their fight and quite quickly came his turn to fill the forms out and officially be considered a trainer tacking on the gyms. All this time Francis was intently watching the fight. The young fetchling feeling all but fascinating with the display.