With a few more disgruntled mutterings, the room appeared to settle as Yerbol reappeared at her side again, shortly followed by their appointed pilot and commander Dorne. Aria dipped her head gratefully to Neta as she asserted that she would back up their tale, glancing sideways at Yerbol before they stepped into the center of the room together to once again recount their experiences from their first encounter on Korriban to the trials they had experienced on the True Sith homeworld. This was somehow entirely different to the time they had presented the very same evidence to the Jedi Council on Tython, instead of the quiet scorn they had been met with then, every pair of eyes in the room was trained on the holoprojector as it played back the disks they had retrieved from the tower library. There was a moment of silence where even the hounds at the doorway didn’t stir, before Matthew’s question broke the silence. Ailel nodded in agreement with her comrades, leaning forward slightly in her seat as she seemed to study the young duo before them. “Indeed. While I don’t doubt the troubles you two have faced, it seems an awfully inefficient if not hypocritical final goal to have; there are so many Force users in the galaxy there is surely no way he could kill all of them. And it does not eliminate the chance of more being born at a later date after the so-called purge is complete, either. Are you certain Bracknell isn’t the orchestrator of the whole thing?” Aria met the Jedi Master’s gaze and gave another firm nod. “With all due respect, ma’am, I would know Bracknell’s voice when I heard it. The voice in the visions was different, neither of us had ever heard it before.” In answer to Kira’s question, Roan offered: “Like many of the Dark Council, Bracknell is certainly privy to a great source of power honed over years of training. It’s not surprising that he would be able to put such talents to use in order to bend those of weaker will within the Galactic Senate to his cause.” a smirk coloured the Sith Lord’s face as he continued, in a somewhat smug tone. “It’s been done before on many occasions, even to some of your own Masters, if you recall. I won’t mention names, though some of you wouldn’t be old enough to recall a relative of your late Grand Master.” Oh, please, don’t irk them. Aria fought the urge to roll her eyes at her father’s outward display of scorn towards the Jedi members of the meeting and silently hoped they wouldn’t decide to settle this by whipping their sabers out later. Cheriss cut into the conversation at that point, continuing along the original trajectory by explaining. “Lord Bracknell’s skillset lies within tactics and planning, it’s quite possible that he has been plotting such an uprising for some time without the knowledge of the other Sith Masters. He was always one to speak very little, though when he did his words were often well thought of by most. There were some of us,” a glance was exchanged with the other Sith beside her, “who suspected that his motives may have been his own, but he covered his tracks well and there was never anything to provide solid proof on the matter.” Heads would turn from the current speaker back to the doorway as the hounds waiting there yelped excitedly to announce a new presence, to discover the Miraluka who stood in the doorway. She didn’t appear to react in any way to the pair of tomb beasts bouncing around her, but regardless they were making such a fuss of the newcomer that it became difficult to hear anyone speaking. “Down.” a softly spoken command from Roan brought both Tuk’ata’s backsides back to the floor with quiet grunts of affirmation. Another minute or so of silence was punctuated with Ailel clearing her throat and speaking to Aria and Yerbol again. “HOW he did it is of little importance now, whether it IS Bracknell behind the whole series of events or not. We need to know what they plan to do next if we’re going to have any chance of counteracting it.” resting her chin on her palm, she brought forward another query for the duo. “This library that you visited, you said it was full of archives and scrolls, yes?” After they had nodded, the Jedi Master continued: “It may be worth us re-visiting this world to access more of the archives, perhaps try to find a name, or an outline of teachings, that could have been extrapolated to lead to this goal of mass genocide.”