[center][b]Division B - Kyo[/b][/center] The woman was short, but she was one that stood out marvelously. She had red hair that was tied loosely up and held by a pair of sharp needles and the remaining hair fell down just below her shoulders. She had a lot of that bright red hair tied upwards and, when it was freed from those twin hair needles, it fell just below her waists. She had deep earth brown eyes and a pair of brown beauty marks under her right eye, one directly under the other. She wore typical ninja clothing aside the flack jacket, which was missing. At her top she wore a long sleeve black shirt that had the symbol of the Uzumaki clan spiraling at her back. This woman pulled Kyo from his current designation under [i]special circumstances[/i] that she hadn't completely revealed yet. What? Who? Where? She wasn't divulging any details and, instead, was simply asking Kyo general questions. She asked him how his day was, how he thought about being a ninja, his family life, what sort of training he did in the academy, where he liked to eat and what he did in his down time...Things like that. She kept the conversation casual and she kept it consistent matching Kyo's answers with longer, more detailed responses to the same question from her own life. She was friendly and kind. Her words were always curved with her melodic tone of voice that was rosy and soft, almost as if she were telling a delicate story to an innocent child. She didn't say anything condescending or patronizing to Kyo, however her tone was unmistakably warm and motherly. She as leading Kyo to the outskirts of town. She took him from the training field, through the town, out the front gates, and then out into a small clearing where a small river ran through. There was a glowing metal pole in the center of the area. There was a warmth exuding from it. Whatever it was it wasn't a normal object. Anyone with delicate chakra sensory abilities would be able to tell that it was full of chakra. As a Yoru, Kyo may be able to see tell-tale signs that it wasn't just an ordinary pole. It was a similarly specialized metal as the ones that his kin created. It was a chakra sensitive metal pole and looked like it had certain inscriptions that ran up and down the pole. Upon closer inspection, Kyo would be able to see that it had small, intricately designed runes inscribed up and down the weapon and it was polished. If Yoru were really talented with his weapons crafting he'd also be able to see that it was layered. By examining the runes he'd be able to see that there was a metal alloy on top of another alloy, thus making it a weapon that was smithed with some skill and with more expensive materials than what it appeared as. It was more than just some simple pole. Of course, the woman would stop Kyo from getting too close. The last person that did get too close was still unconscious, after all. "That's it," She'd say, motioning her hand towards the random metal pole in the middle of the area. "I will explain exactly what is going on, but I want to get your full permission before hand. You are just a Genin, a little kid, so I don't want you getting in over your head. You were pulled from the team assignments for this specific mission because, unfortunately, there are only about 12 people that could do this and you are one of the only two that can be reached right now. This mission is S-Class. You could die. Are you still willing to take it on, knowing that you could possibly die doing so?" She asked, watching Kyo with her large brown eyes. Likely, for a Genin fresh out of the academy, this was a pretty big deal. [center][b]Division B - Myth[/b][/center] He had electric yellow eyes, short navy blue hair, and was fairly tall. In fact, he was at least 6 feet tall and towered over the small, white haired Genin. This ninja wore typical ninja gear but had his right arm sleeveless and wrapped in white bandages up to his right shoulder and had black cloth over that and black chains binding the black cloth over that. It looked as if he were keeping something locked up tight or something around that arm of his. Right in the middle of Myth's introduction with his team the man picked the little boy up, snatching him from the back of his shirt, and lifted him off the ground as he walked back into the village. Ordinarily, a ninja as sly and reclusive as Myth may have been keen enough to catch someone sneaking up on him, but not this ninja. This ninja was quieter than dust in the air. He held no presence and, even as he was holding Myth, seemed as if he really wasn't there at all. It almost seemed, strangely, as if Myth were to reach out he would have his hand phase completely through the non-existent man...As if he were some ghost or phantom. This ninja's name was Yureki Shimazu and he was an elite. He was formally a part of the resistance and mostly served as an Academy teacher at this point of his life. He'd be well known by any of the recent graduates as one of the instructors in the history and geography classes. He was a little awkward at times, often stuttering and stumbling over his words, but he was tall and that wrapped arm of his typically kept students from ever saying or doing anything disrespectful in his class. Despite being awkward and slightly nerdy, he is rumored to be a fairly gifted ninja and the reason he chose to be an academy instructor was due to regret from the shear number of men and woman he killed. This man would take Myth, being sure to keep him far away from the ground and keeping himself out of reach, to a shop. The boy would be taken just outside of a shop where he'd finally be plopped on the ground. The shop was way on the outskirts of the town, far from the main market district. From the look of the shop it was closed for a few years and on top of being boarded up it was littered with dust, dirt and some tagging. "We have a mission for you, a simple one." It would be the first thing Yureki would have said this entire time. "Can you get inside there?" He'd ask, looking down at Myth. He'd wait a moment, allowing Myth a yes or no, before he decided to demonstrate why it was necessary. Yureki would kick a loose pebble towards the shop. The pebble would be bounced off with enough speed that it crashed into a cement wall a few yards away. It was fired with enough force that it dug clean into the hard cement. Likely, Myth would clearly be able to see that there was a barrier placed around the building. It originated from the inside, but there wasn't any sign that the barrier was active. It was quiet. It was a very complicated barrier technique. Despite being maintained via chakra, even the most adept chakra sensor wouldn't sense this barrier. "F-From what we got from Kishira-san, t-this kekkai will only let s-specific individual through. She named your and your sister, s-sp-specifically," He'd state, looking at Myth a moment before returning his attention to the Kekkai. Whomever Kishira was, which was a name that Myth would no be familiar with, she managed to figure out that this barrier was somehow tied to Myth and Myth's sister? How she knew that, why that mattered and what that had to do with Myth now was up in the air. It was because she deduced that Myth was here right now. He was someone that could uncover this growing mystery surrounding the boy by name. Typically, Myth's techniques were very specific. However, if Myth tried using his instantaneous movement techniques, he'd find that he could sense the chakra inside the building. There was almost a harmonizing connection with Myth and the building...Almost like a warmth. It would feel almost...Simple to use his Safe Place technique inside there...In fact, if Myth tried to gather chakra to attempt the technique or something similar, he'd feel that he'd be almost comfortable performing the technique inside that building...Despite that he most certainly never went inside it and would have never placed any sort of seal or anchor inside that building. Yet...He could? With a bit of chakra control and concentration...Myth would be able to use his Safe Place to teleport directly inside there. However...What would that mean for him? What was inside this building that had a powerful barrier around it? What if, perchance, the one who created the barrier was inside waiting for him? What if it was a trap? He was fortunate that he had someone as capable as Yureki there, despite knowing nothing about the Sensei's technique or capability, but Kishira had already thought that far. Though, naturally, Myth wouldn't know that. Myth wouldn't know a lot about the current situation he'd been dragged into. The boy was probably fairly confused. He was dragged all the way out here on a day that he was supposed to be on his way towards becoming a full on ninja with a team and a teacher. Most likely, this was a big deal and he was a central piece in it all.