[@Aristo] Accepted, but let me see: - I am fine with Seaver keep, but you can hold Muin's Keep as well (Muin's keep is the largest castle in valley). - Your population, economic advantage and military numbers put you in a better-than-average position towards other players. I expect fair roleplaying under this circumstances. But it definitively makes sense that you control such a "large" army as they are the remnants of Muin's troops. - In the IC or before you should readily manifest which claimants would Karolus support. I'd love to see conflict out of Karolus stubborness. - Take in account that the situation of the old aristocracy that is associated with your clan is one of low morale, dessertion, and tense political atmosphere. The nobles expect to retain their rights through your grasp as steward of the Lordship of the Valley. - I will add your lands to the map in a while I am yet deciding about firearms. That technology is surely known to the dwarfs, but maybe not so in the valley. I am pondering this question