[hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]http://img.pandawhale.com/16788-What-if-hes-a-gay-serial-kille-nHJ8.gif[/img][hr]Location: Funnel Cake Stand (Carnival at the Park)[/center][hr][hr][color=ff6600]"Oh, that's super cool!"[/color] Tuesday said, her voice light, airy, and a bit squeal-ish. It was the stereotypical fangirl noise that she had mastered at one too many college parties. She blinked a bit as he took pictures of her, wanting to smash up the camera instantly. She didn't want photographs of her. If she was going to dive in headfirst with her new career, photographs of her, taken by a serial killer, wasn't the way to do it. [i]Fuck. Right. Serial killer.[/i] The weight of that set in a little bit more, as Tuesday realized the likelihood she would die. Lawson had been shot after all, hadn't he? And the culprit had some sort of bulletproof vest on. For a moment, Tuesday considered pretending to trip and fall on Chris, just to see if she could feel the fabric underneath his shirt. But it would have been too obvious, she decided. [color=ff6600]"Riley's been super successful, seems like you have been to,"[/color] Tuesday said, trying her best to stall without seeming like she was stalling. Taking the hand of the serial killed seemed to be a [i]bad[/i] idea. And it wasn't like in prison, where no one had guns, and the worst scenario was a shiv. Tuesday could deal with shivs. Those she knew. But this? What was she supposed to do, bite him if he tried to kill her? Feeling like the white girl in a horror movie who makes [i]all[/i] the wrong decisions, Tuesday took Chris' hand. Marc was smart. He'd probably figure it out. And don't criminals love returning to the scene of the crime or some shit? He'd realize what happened. And if not, Tuesday decided, as she scratched at her wrist, there wouldn't be any more drug addiction to deal with. [color=ff6600]"Hmm, wait a mo, what time do you think we'd be able to talk to Cynthia? Should probably have said that in my earlier text...Blonde moment...Even though I'm not blonde."[/color] [i]Please, Marc, get your fucking ass over here.[/i]