[@BKburke][@Horrid] The wizard was about to ask the favor of Bartimus, but then he was rudely interrupted by a gaggle of guards. Naturally, he turned to the Ultharid and the escort of guards, and he looked up at the guard who asked the question to him of whether he should let the Ulthalid stay or not. With one big breath of air, his voiced deepened, now becoming that of something you'd hear from Gandalf, and he began to speak at that guard. [color=8882be][b]"YOU MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THIS CITY! HOW DARE YOU CHAIN THIS ULTHARID UP AND THEN HAVE THE BALLS TO ASK IF HE CAN STAY OR NOT? AS LONG AS THIS PERSON IS WILLING TO HELP OUT WITH THIS MISSION, AND HE IS NOT HOSTILE TO THOSE WHO HE IS WORKING WITH, HE IS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE AS A CANDIDATE TO HELP WITH THE UNDERTAKING OF THIS DUNGEON. YOU ARE TO LEAVE THIS FINE MAN HERE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THEN LEAVE MY SIGHT AT ONCE. I WILL SPEAK WITH THE HEAD OF YOUR GUARD AS SOON AS I RETURN TO THE CITY AND SETTLE ACCOUNTS WITH THIS CRYPT!"[/b][/color] [sup]OOC Note: Changed colors so it's easier to read.[/sup] The gnome finished his lecture of the guards, and then coughed a small bit. It was strenuous to do that sort of thing, but if it didn't make Irthorne feel good, then nothing could. He spoke again, this time out of breath. [color=8882be][b]"... Ultharid, I'll speak with you in a small moment... let me handle one thing very quickly with Bartimus.[/b][/color] The gnome spoke next to Bartimus, and he spoke of the favor. [color=8882be][b]"There is a 14 year old coming.... she wouldn't take no for an answer... and I wanted to ask if you would help me watch over her... I'm not confident that I can leave her... as her own unit... You don't have to accept... but if you do... I'll be conversing with other folks."[/b][/color] Irthorne went over to the Ultharid next, and began to talk to him. It was a bit scary, being about a quarter of his height, but Irthrone has handled worse. [color=8882be][b]"I apologize for that whole situation. I hope there aren't any hard feelings? I'm Irthorne, and if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"[/b][/color]