Kara trekked down the simple dirt road towards the dungeon she had accepted the task of clearing out. Azarel was particularly enthusiastic about the endeavour. Guilt free LOVE from mindless, hateful undead was a thing he insisted she not pass up, and as always, she was inclined to agree. Of course, it was a bit of a walk. She didn't exactly have the luxury of having a tent to sleep wherever she wanted. The funds from this quest would help alleviate that. [color=8dc73f][i]There they are...[/i][/color] chimed Azarel. He was talking about her help on the mission, many of which she would have a hard time pinning a race on. The world beyond her tribe was truly interesting. She wanted to ask all of these people what they did, how they got here, who they were. But the one that grabbed her eyes most was a black haired girl. She caught a glimpse of her eyes. They were red, like Kara's. Her back was covered too. [color=ed1c24][i]Azarel, do you think she's a fairy aswell?[/i][/color] Kara asked her partner. He took a second to respond, clearly looking over her features. [color=8dc73f][i]She could be... but I don't know. I don't know what fairies look like outside of your clan. Red eyes could be something only you have.[/i][/color] He reasoned. He would definitely ask her, at a later date. When they were alone and, if it came to blows... Finally, she was close to them all, talking distance. She introduced herself to them all with a smile, a [color=ed1c24]"Hello!"[/color], and the drawing of her dagger from its sheath. Personal introductions were to first be given to her boss. He had been insistent she not come because of her young age, unaware of her power beyond her light ability to draw power from ghosts and ability with her dagger. She was more insistent she ought to come, though, and seeing as she had no money, deigned to let her in on the quest. Apparently there was a necromancer inhabiting a nearby crypt. Though no dead had ever bothered her tribe, much closer to the crypt, tall dwarfs, dwarfs, and elves had insisted the place be cleared out. As Azarel suggested, not just elves were prone to fear, rage, and harm. [color=ed1c24]"Hello, Wizard Irthorne."[/color] Kara greeted, extending her dagger at him first, before realizing the faux pas and switching to her open left palm. [color=ed1c24]"It is nice you allowed me to do work despite my young age. I won't let you down."[/color] With a smile that revealed she was, honestly, a little excited at the prospect of getting to harm something. Azarel certainly had been.