The Guild is doing [i]okay[/i]. I agree that it's not as great as it once was. The Guildfall was a big turning point and it changed the overall feel of the place forever. In my opinion, the heart of the problem is that the Guild feels like a fledgling community now. And that's what it is. There are no well-established members that [i]everyone[/i] knows, people that define what's acceptable and what isn't. RPG used to be very heavily community-moderated -- Spam was a cesspool of flaming and caustic nonsense because that's what its community mandated. Advanced was highly elitist because people like Dudel and Kestrel ran the place and set the tone for everyone else. The current userbase is too new right now. It's true the moderators can't do anything about that, unless we decide to step in and start enforcing standards and shit like some kind of thoughtpolice, but we have neither the time nor the inclination. The Guild will have to do that by itself or it will stay as it is, which is... [i]okay[/i]. It's far from dying. Mahz might return in a year or two and Make The Guild Great Again. Who knows?