[quote=@Famigliolabuona] [@Gorgenmast] Orin Clan is alredy the 4th son of Muin so you should change that from your sheet. Also I think that the human character is not enough justified, unlike Sister Yulia in Clan Hornfel which is the most open to outsiders. I think that you should work deeper on the sheet, I find it too bland at this point. It shouldn't be in characters tab until accepted. [/quote] I have changed the birth order at your request. However, I am going to have to appeal your other requested changes. [quote]I think that the human character is not enough justified,[/quote] I have established in the application that this human was definitely not welcome, in keeping with inherent dwarven xenophobia. To be sure, Hoarfrost is not a welcoming clan, but we can rest assured that Bloodborn must have a damn good reason for inviting him to his court. If you permit me to keep Sevrith, that reason will be elucidated through in-character posts. [quote]I think that you should work deeper on the sheet, I find it too bland at this point.[/quote] [img]https://media.riffsy.com/images/e7574749cd687b4bf56331c43385eddb/raw[/img] I am of the school of thought that an application post should be as brief one can make it, giving the other players just a glimpse or a sketch of my faction before I proceed to really flesh out my characters and the surrounding world through in-character posts. An exhaustive character sheet detracts from my ability to worldbuild and characterize in the posts. I have plenty of cool ideas for this faction, and I wanted to put many of them in my application. But because of my penchant for brevity in applications, most of these wound up on the cutting-room floor to be saved for the appropriate IC post. If you really want, we can all wait around for me to spruce my application up to your expectations. But seeing as we're all waiting around for my application be accepted anyway, I think it's best to just trust me on this application and accept it as is.