[@Shadow007] While you did post in the wrong section and you admitted that in our call. You did correct what I had pointed out in your application, it is nice, and this is just me. I'm unsure if the history thing was meant to be one paragraph or not, either way it is fine and I didn't have a problem with it at all. Her story of why she's been sent to prison is different then what I had imagined from hearing the little bits you shared with me. Pleasently expected on my part, I had enjoyed it. While I'm unsure on the sample rp, seeing that and having roleplayed with you before I know you are capable of some nice posts. I have no further problems that I can see other than what I've already pointed out and had you fix, while I could still be a dick and say denied I shant do as such. I'd say to go ahead and post it into the character section but you already had by mistake. None the less, welcome to the world that is Asbasta. As for the password thing, I'm unsure if it's true or not, I shall still call it a cake non the less. [@Blubaron45] I hope it doesn't either, I've been on and off talking to some people who've wanted to apply. They still seem interested and as long as I have myself and two to three others I can get this going. While I want to wait slightly longer to see how many still have interest in this, I don't plan to wait all that much longer. I'm feeling I'll give people until the 20th for their applications, after that I will not accept anymore. Good luck on your finals!