Maka finished up her breakfest and cleaned it all up. She headed back upstairs after petting the cat once more, she went into her room amd grabed her daily wear. Then she headed towards the bathroom for a nice shower, once there she went and cleaned herself up and washed her hair. Her usual routine was as follows, wake up, go downstairs and pet the cat. Then make and eat breakfest and maybe read a little bit of her book then head into the shower. Once Maka got out she dried off and did the same for her hair, she got dressed and hung her towel atop of the door. She stepped out and noticed a note that she'd missed before when she was moving about, it was from her mother. The usual when to expect her home and that she loved her. Maka put it into the drawer with the others and went back downstairs. She picked up her bag and slung it around her shoulder, making sure her keys to the house were in it. After running her own checklist she locked and stepped out of the door into the fresh, open air outside. She checked to make sure it was locked dispite just locking it, after not being able to turn the handle she went off. Maka had been wanting to see if she could venture out to the forest a ways away, she'd heard of the relaxed environment it housed and the trees always peaked her interest. She'd been wanting to go there for sometime, climb up into one of the trees and relax with a nice book of her choosing. That would be her ideal day after all. She'd set off to walk about, having to get from her current location to the grassy fields she watched outside of her window. Once she'd done that she had the forest insight and something to eat and drink in her bag along side of a book. As much as she thought this was possible for a days travel, she was unsure. None the less that wouldn't prevent her from trying to do this.