[@jorthon][@SoulEater] *James would smile and look around, thinking a bit as he sighs. Looking at his hand as he listens to the voice in his head* [color=black]"Mind if I come out James? If you want to listen to Cecilia's words, maybe now may be a nice time for me to come out."[/color] *James would think on his words as he looks at the two, looking at his right hand. Well, better now then later on. Besides he should have said what his power was to begin with, but he didn't know if this was the right time or not. Oh well, he would hold his hand out to the side and out a bit so his back of his hand was facing upwards. Speaking to the two but the others could always hear him* [color=yellow]"I hope you all don't mind, I'm going to let a friend walk with us and get some fresh air."[/color] *Biting his lip, hoping they don't mind as the wound opens up. The dark cloud funneling out of his hand and hitting the ground, soon though the cloud would dart upwards and form into a bird on his shoulders. A hawk in looks but completely black with red eyes as James smiles* [color=yellow]"That better Neric?"[/color] *The dark being nodding as James continues walking, not noting at first the reactions the others would have*