Well, it had seemed the reception to his little act was just a bit half-baked for his taste. The only people that seemed to acknowledge his little sideshow were originally the two people at the current spot. Sure, others had joined in during his little introduction, but they didn't seem to pay much mind to the artificer and his many merry creations. The big guy, Kol'rakul, seemed to have had the best time out of his intro with his hearty laughs filling the air. Ingrim could tell by the looks of this strapping beast was someone earnest and filled with energy, but was using the energy for some good intentioned violent acts, hence the decapitated head of the highway man. The Ringleader liked this man, he could get a few laughs out of him, and possibly use his size and strength for other uses during the trip to the dungeon. "Well, I'm glad to be of service, Kol'rakul the Axeman, and I'll be sure to remember your applause during this adventure," Ingrim replied, his creations settling down from the previous excitement, though in the background seemed the same hooded lady was getting a closer look at his creations. "Ah! Someone curious about my comrades? Why, these amazing attractions have been created by yours truly with the help of some arcane magic to power up these magnificent beast! I have to say that these creations can do all sorts of amazing tricks, but you can see that later at one of my many shows across the land! 'The Troop and Troupe!'" Hopefully this would garner some attention to the gnome's little entertainment act, he did need some gold to continue this lifestyle, and the best way to show some appreciation would be to donate to his cause to bring safety and joy to all. So, with the interactions between those two had been fulfilled, the contractor had said some things about more people arriving to this location. Wow, the dungeon might just be a tiny bit cramped with the amount of people entering this crypt, especially with all of his creations joining within the unstable cave. Ingrim was worried, if he was to be put inside of rear guard to protect the entrance of this cave, than that would mean less gold and materials for his many varied projects! This was grave news indeed, but hopefully something could be done to avoid being stuck with the boring job. Giving a light sigh to himself, the ringmaster turned to meet the rest of the adventurers that came with the same intent of adventure and gold. The fourth to arrive was some anthropomorphic beast, an owl by the looks of it, and surprisingly held himself up well compared to most other beings with their rambunctious behavior. Ingrim would have to take note of this, polite and well-armed. The fifth the arrive was someone of interest, a towering man clad in armor trugged through the field that almost seemed to be as well built as Kol'rakul! He had no idea of his origins, but Ingrim could tell that this man was someone of great skill with their battered skin and surprisingly wellkempt beard. Another person of importance, and another tall burly person to hide behind. The sixth to arrive was some tall dwarf, a woman tall dwarf with a hint of superiority with the stance and way they help themselves to the others. Strangly enough, this one seemed to know the axeman, small world seemed to the both, but Ingrim could tell that the distance the woman was keeping from him was someone that didn't want to be bothered by this certain gnome. Smiling, the gnome would like to know of their distance from the ringmaster, but the response was likely to be some pompous answer though it would be interesting to get some insight of changing something about his act. The gnome managed to walk just a few steps towards Feon when suddenly more adventurers appeared from the brush! So many! And so much people only made this situation a bit worrying for the ringmaster. However, something more worrying towered over his concerns as some squid monster carried in chains was brought to the scene! A squid monster! How could they possibly allow this thing to join them on their travels!? Surly they had enough diversity with the owlman, but to bring such creature known for their rather despicable deeds... He would have to keep a close eye on the beast. And what do you know? Another anthropomorphic beast has emerged from the brush, a spider lady to be exact. Her figure said more than needed if someone was into that stuff, but alas her strange contraptions that had donned every limb has made piqued his interest even more. Ingrim would need to analyze those devices later in time, if they are attached to every limb than that would mean that it is something of importance and most likely a dangerous weapon. And lastly, but strangely enough that appeared to be the last adventurer of the group was... A child? Man, the owner must be quite desperate for help if they would allow such a young child to join in this dangerous quest. The Ringmaster would need to keep a close eye on this one as well, if nothing their skill must be something great to be allowed on this quest, and the death of a child would bring morale down quite low if they were to be allowed to meet such an early fate. Now, with everyone addressed within his mind, Ingrim the crafty taking his mental notes on how to approach and treat everyone was now going to annoy the crap out of the female that seemed to dislike the gnome. "Well! How do you do?" Ingrim questioned, quickly walking over to the disinterested adventurer, "If you didn't hear, my name is Ingrim Nesfit, sole propiter of the wandering circus 'Troop and Troupe'! So, might one provide the same courtesy of giving their title and name? I would love to be acquainted with you, and so would my companions as well!" Ingrim's constructs arrived soon after he had spoke, they looked at her with questioning looks provided if she could even detect it with their inhuman bodies and faces.