[center][color=FFB6C1][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] Location: Beryllium City, Pokemon Lab, Pokedex Line Interacting with: [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@EnterTheHero] / Sage Monsoon [/center] [hr] Roxy's attention switched to Sage as he moved between her and the other girl in line. She didn't mind, exactly; he was excited too, of course! [color=lightgreen]"Uhh... hi. Sorry for quite literally butting in. You both just getting started, too?"[/color] He seemed nice enough, and as such Roxy immediately deemed him a decent person. [color=FFB6C1]"Yep! I came all the way here from the Hoenn region. What about you?"[/color] Making friends from other regions was one of the things Roxy was most excited for on her little journey; after all, the world was wide enough, right? Learning about the landmarks and Pokemon of other regions was surely a worthy endeavor. At that thought, Roxy wondered if she would end up going home after gallivanting around Chromis, or venture off to some other region. She supposed that she'd cross that bridge when she came to it. [color=lightblue]"I'm sorry but I did. I thought your little friend would like a snack and I had just made a new batch of Poke-puffs before coming here. I do hope that doesn't bother you."[/color] Returning her attention to Aiden, her smile widened just a bit. [color=FFB6C1]"Oh, no, I don't mind! That's, like, super sweet of you, actually!"[/color] As Zorex jumped up and down around Lucina, the ordinarily stern Riolu couldn't help but return the excitement, bouncing up and down herself. Roxy found it to be the most adorable thing...ever. [color=lightblue]"I just saw how cute your little Riolu looked in that scarf and figure, why we're waiting why not enjoy some good snacks!"[/color] Roxy grinned and nodded. Next to Pokemon, food-particularly dessert-might just be the greatest thing in the universe. Plus, Lucina [i]is[/i] adorable. [color=FFB6C1]"That's the truest thing I've heard all day,"[/color] she replied, humor apparent in her tone. [color=lightblue]"Name's Aiden,"[/color] he said, offering an outstretched hand. Roxy happily shook his hand, only just now realizing she didn't even know his name. This was followed by the realization that he didn't know her name, either. [color=FFB6C1]"I'm Roxy. It's nice to meet you!"[/color] Here she was, already making friends left and right. [color=lightblue]"I know it may be a bit of an odd introduction, but would you care for a battle? I've never fought a Riolu before and it seems Zorex is itching to play! And besides no better way to make a new friend than a good match!"[/color] Roxy laughed a bit, looking down at her Riolu for a moment. [color=FFB6C1]"What do you think, Lucina? Up for a battle?"[/color] Lucina replied with a cheer, throwing her arms up. She was fond of battles, wasn't she? And a Gible could be a fun challenge. [color=FFB6C1]"I think that's a yes, then! You're on."[/color]