[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Xerath[/color][/h1][/center] Interactions: [@Cardamonelaw][@Shadeflare123][@TheHangedMan] Xerath starter chuckling at how flustered Kitala was getting,[color=ed1c24]"Wow I don't think I have ever seen you blush before, it's a nice look on you though, you look cute"[/color] Xareth said teasing her. his face went from happy to shocked in 1.5 seconds when the harpies wing S-class wizard bumped into Kitala knocked the donuts on the floor. Xareth knew what was gonna happen next and he just gawked at the 2 girls waiting for Armageddon. He knew the short temper Kitala had and on top of that the other wizard was from the harpies wing guild so if they brawled it would invoke even more fights. Xerath soon was waiting for what Kitala was gonna do, [color=ed1c24]"K-Kitala, ...now I know your mad but don't do anything harsh"[/color] he said waiting to get cut off. He then saw another gentlemen pick up her donuts and attempt to clean them off, though it was nice, Xareth gave the, [i]Your life could be in danger[/i] look.